I need some tips with reverse controls



  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,275 ★★★★
    edited June 2024

    One notable option here is moondragon, Who have a pre fight where she overrides a match upand makes it entirely reverse control match, So you can play the entire fight on reverse controls, skip the shifting controls ****. I'm planning to use this ability in final week where they allow 3 champs

    I think you're confusing the spiderpunk-prowler synergy pre fight with the moondragon pre fight.

    The Moondragon one gives u 3 reverse control immunity charges, where you lose a charge after every reverse control trigger. So you'll be immune to 3 switches at most. Once you place this pre fight, any champ that enters can use it.

    The spiderpunk-prowler pre fight is the one that switches the entire fight to reverse controls. This one only works on punk and prowler individually.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    This and other timers you need to keep track of are so dinky. For me, it would be better in the middle of the screen as a semi-transparent

  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    So I am really struggling with reverse controls, my brain can not deal with it. I desperatly need some tips in order to get through this SoS.

    I know I am probably bad and it is a skill issue, but let me explain my struggle. During the fight I will get confused on wich way to swipe, (duh it is reverse controls), but this confusion doesn't only occur when it switches but also just any time in the fight. I will doubt myself on wich way to swipe and get knocked out.

    Just any tips on how to tackle this week are welcome.

    I have no idea if this will help, but when I was trying to learn how to deal with reverse controls my brain kept confusing left and right. Just thinking "left" and "right" broke my brain. I think those words are hard wired to do things, if I think "swipe right instead of left" muscle memory takes over, because I have too many years of left and right. Left instead of right, right instead of left, just made me confused all the time, it seemed.

    Instead, I starting thinking "in" and "out". As in: left hand inward, left hand outward. In my head, I am thinking in terms of *both* hands. Both hands ----> <---- inward, or both hands <---- ----> outward. Dash back outward (normal), dash back inward (reverse). For some reason, this was easier for my brain to process, and I had fewer instances of muscle memory glitches. What's more, if I am trying to punish an attack, then the "inward" "outward" thought does double duty: my left hand swipes inward to dash back, and then my right hand immediately swipes inward to dash forward to attack.

    It works for me. I have no idea if it will work for anyone else's brain, but that's how I got over the hump of reverse controls. I'm not perfect at it, but I am ... better at it now. It still takes practice, of course.
    This advice helped me a lot when I was doing my necro completion run.
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★

    This is exactly the issue with majority of players including me, our mind is just set to that mode where we fight regular mcoc, and not reverse controls. Marvel King Saitama had uploaded a vid on YouTube once where he said he would practice reverse controls in act 6.3.1 and the tip is quite useful too, but many of us won't give our time practicing this kind of a thing. Other than that, u just need to keep looking at opponent using specials and reverse control swap timer at the same time, that's what I can say. Though even I am frustrated about this fight. Just classic Kabam things I'd say

    One thing you're missing here is, reverse controls are actually not the problem, shifting controls are. You can get excellent with reverse controls with like 2 hours of practicing. It is one thing to do the entire fight in reverse controls, which is relatively a million times easier than handling with shifting controls, where you have to change your moves time to time.

    One notable option here is moondragon, Who have a pre fight where she overrides a match upand makes it entirely reverse control match, So you can play the entire fight on reverse controls, skip the shifting controls ****. I'm planning to use this ability in final week where they allow 3 champs
    I wouldn't bother, one of the nodes makes you take like 10% health damage per second when you are immune to reverse controls.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,620 ★★★★★
    Always try to time a relic, your own special, or a heavy attack when the timer is gonna switch over to reverse or back to normal. You can generally get in a rythym where you time almost every switch during one of those 3 actions
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