DoT champions are still useless in Raids

I don't understand this. Do you guys test these things only with 7* R3 champions or what? How is it so hard to get these power levels right in Raids? DoT champs are completely useless in Raids. I'm using a 6* R4 Ascended Chee'ilth and she does no damage in Raids. And don't come at me with skill issue comments, that's not the case here. Fix it.
Maybe if I r3 my Venom, hit him with 30% attack and champion boost with max suicides, then he will do 8% damage in 3 minutes and get timed out? 😃
Meanwhile Ironman absman stroms are stomping everything which is cool but then don't announce "DOT champs are buffed" 🎉
Oh don't worry even my 7* R3 Chee'ilth is still a huge disappointment in Raid lol