Impossible 7* nexus choice

Just finished fully exploring Act 8 and opened my 7\* nexus and got this impossible choice:

All three of them are excellent. I love playing all of them although I'm not a master of any of them.
To make it more difficult is that I don't have a strong cosmic 7\*, so if I pull a cosmic R3 gem, Gorr would be my top choice (otherwise, it's Silver Surfer, Red Goblin, The Serpent...).
I still have my class 7* selector to open so I could go for either Domino or Shang-Chi here and then roll the dice on the cosmic crystal.

All three of them are excellent. I love playing all of them although I'm not a master of any of them.
To make it more difficult is that I don't have a strong cosmic 7\*, so if I pull a cosmic R3 gem, Gorr would be my top choice (otherwise, it's Silver Surfer, Red Goblin, The Serpent...).
I still have my class 7* selector to open so I could go for either Domino or Shang-Chi here and then roll the dice on the cosmic crystal.
Of the three, Shang is the most versatile attacker. He is able to be used in a tremendous amount of content and is almost always a top contender for any challenge.
Domino and Gorr are also potent attackers, although I’d argue slightly less so than Shang. But they both have defensive utility, which Shang completely lacks. Domino wants the dupe for it, but Gorr has it right out of the box.
Shang and Domino are incredibly easy pick up and play champs, Gorr requires some thought and practice to master.
So ultimately, I think my recommendation would be:
Shang if you’re looking for an attacker.
Domino if you’re looking for an attacker and an investment as a defender.
Gorr if you’re looking for a personal project who works in both roles.
Fair. I haven't had the time to learn him. I do see the potential but I haven't done a deep dive of him yet.
Excellent advice. I went with Domino simply because I haven't played her regularly since my 5* days (only just recently got her as a 6*!). Plus, one step closer to getting her duped to make her really kick ass.
He's great on attack, and has amazing (and controllable) utility.
Domino is also great on attack, and solid on defense even Unduped, but her Utility is negligible.
I'm finding Gorr pretty dull to play. His damage and regeneration are a lot more impressive on defence than on attack. He's not bad - just less good than I thought he'd be, when I finally got him at a useable rarity.
I get what you're saying about gorr, comics aren't great, but I haven't even r2d mine.
Domino easily.
Love domino but there have been plenty of times that she made me lose some match in bg because of non crit sp2 and no bleed as well
But in a bg pov where you often need duel threats, while shang chi is great for bgs, Domino is the best option here. She messes up in defense even unduped. And if op gets a dupe in future, she is just scary.