Battlegrounds Facepalm Moments

What are some absolute facepalm moments you've experienced (either yourself or your opponent) while playing Battlegrounds?
This last season was the first time I actually gave it a go, never reaching further than Gold III in the past, and made it to the Gladiator's Circuit - though never managing to get out of Uru III once I made it there!
A couple of my own facepalm moments:
- at least twice I've forgotten about the placement order, seen them place a defender and excitedly thought "I know exactly who I can use against them!" - then promptly place that attacking my own defender! D'oh!
- I've done a few very silly matchups along the way, forgetting some immunities or otherwise bad matchups - like sending Shang Chi against Ebony Maw, Sunspot against Kindred, not to mention forgetting to apply Human Torch's Pre-fight.
- I've also giggled at my opponent placing Nimrod against my Onslaught or Bishop, to their own detriment.
What are some of yours? I've really grown to appreciate what a great part of the game Battlegrounds is!
This last season was the first time I actually gave it a go, never reaching further than Gold III in the past, and made it to the Gladiator's Circuit - though never managing to get out of Uru III once I made it there!

A couple of my own facepalm moments:
- at least twice I've forgotten about the placement order, seen them place a defender and excitedly thought "I know exactly who I can use against them!" - then promptly place that attacking my own defender! D'oh!
- I've done a few very silly matchups along the way, forgetting some immunities or otherwise bad matchups - like sending Shang Chi against Ebony Maw, Sunspot against Kindred, not to mention forgetting to apply Human Torch's Pre-fight.
- I've also giggled at my opponent placing Nimrod against my Onslaught or Bishop, to their own detriment.
What are some of yours? I've really grown to appreciate what a great part of the game Battlegrounds is!

I can't remember whT meta it was but u remember we needed to place debuffs or something like that and not once, but at least a half dozen times that season I brought in bleed champs against photon.
First time I had zero idea she was bleed immune.
The rest of the times I just forgot she was bleed immune. 😅
Also many times I've thrown round 2 to get myself what should be an easy win in round 3, only to lose a super easy fight in round 3 and lose the match.
I generally don't use scorp in poison immune fight cuz nine out of 10 times I forget to change the pre fight.
To be fair I didn't had any other Mystic from my pick, but still a really Facepalm moment 🤣
Surprised how many people don’t realize that while Nimrod can get armour break debuffs they don’t remove armour ups and suffer -100% potency.