Battlegrounds Facepalm Moments

PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,341 ★★★★★
What are some absolute facepalm moments you've experienced (either yourself or your opponent) while playing Battlegrounds?

This last season was the first time I actually gave it a go, never reaching further than Gold III in the past, and made it to the Gladiator's Circuit - though never managing to get out of Uru III once I made it there! :lol:

A couple of my own facepalm moments:

- at least twice I've forgotten about the placement order, seen them place a defender and excitedly thought "I know exactly who I can use against them!" - then promptly place that attacking my own defender! D'oh!
- I've done a few very silly matchups along the way, forgetting some immunities or otherwise bad matchups - like sending Shang Chi against Ebony Maw, Sunspot against Kindred, not to mention forgetting to apply Human Torch's Pre-fight.
- I've also giggled at my opponent placing Nimrod against my Onslaught or Bishop, to their own detriment.

What are some of yours? I've really grown to appreciate what a great part of the game Battlegrounds is! :smile:


  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,570 ★★★★★
    Done all of the above, more than once! Lol

    I can't remember whT meta it was but u remember we needed to place debuffs or something like that and not once, but at least a half dozen times that season I brought in bleed champs against photon.
    First time I had zero idea she was bleed immune.
    The rest of the times I just forgot she was bleed immune. 😅

    Also many times I've thrown round 2 to get myself what should be an easy win in round 3, only to lose a super easy fight in round 3 and lose the match.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    Only god knows how many I have selected rupture pre fight in a scorpion vs WWBN fight. For some reason I always think WWBN is poison immune (is he)?

    I generally don't use scorp in poison immune fight cuz nine out of 10 times I forget to change the pre fight.
  • MethodMan69MethodMan69 Member Posts: 398 ★★★
    People trying to use juggs against the serpent
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★

    People trying to use juggs against the serpent

    Oh that is totally me, 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️.

    To be fair I didn't had any other Mystic from my pick, but still a really Facepalm moment 🤣
  • LexSaviLexSavi Member Posts: 217
    I love placing Nimrod as a defender when my opponent has CGR available. Far too many times I’ve seen him insta-picked and thought “this isn’t going to go how you think it is…”

    Surprised how many people don’t realize that while Nimrod can get armour break debuffs they don’t remove armour ups and suffer -100% potency.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,393 ★★★★
    Forgetting to turn on Nova flames
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    LexSavi said:

    I love placing Nimrod as a defender when my opponent has CGR available. Far too many times I’ve seen him insta-picked and thought “this isn’t going to go how you think it is…”

    Surprised how many people don’t realize that while Nimrod can get armour break debuffs they don’t remove armour ups and suffer -100% potency.

    Anyways cgr can smoke nimrod quite easily tho, because damination nullifies all armor buffs and that's when nimrod s most vulnerable and Cgr get's his most damage.
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