Is this bug still active?

I’m preparing to do my 5th path of necropolis pretty soon, however this will be my first path using Aegon. I have a 6* r3 black panther relic that I’d like to equip to Aegon for this run, however I remember back when necro was first released that a few different relics that had visual texts pop up (bp relic being one of these) used to block the necropolis grandmaster’s prompts with the text from the relic.
Obviously it’s pretty annoying to have to fight the grandmaster without knowing which challenge you’re supposed to complete, and even though you can use the pause menu to see the challenge he gave you it doesn’t tell you whether or not “grandmaster says” appeared with the challenge.
So that’s my question. Am I safe to use the bp relic on Aegon or is that bug still active?
Obviously it’s pretty annoying to have to fight the grandmaster without knowing which challenge you’re supposed to complete, and even though you can use the pause menu to see the challenge he gave you it doesn’t tell you whether or not “grandmaster says” appeared with the challenge.
So that’s my question. Am I safe to use the bp relic on Aegon or is that bug still active?
“ Fixed a rare issue in the Nameless Grandmaster fight in which neither the Grandmaster Says, nor the Grandmaster Doesn’t Say icons appeared for a Phase 3 prompt”
March patch “Fixed an issue with Necropolis Grandmaster’s HUD callout for “Grandmaster says” sometimes failing to show the correct callout”