Why doesn't Rogue have this buff in the game, like she does in the 90's X-Men cartoon and comics?

X-Men cartoon/Comics: Rogue gained flight, super strength, and became Indestructible (including having an inbulnerability to poison) from permanently absorbing these from Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel.
Game: Rogue has the flight and super strength from Ms./Captain Marvel, but not the Indestructible and poison immunity.
When I used to watch the X-Men cartoons in the 90's, I saw this Indestructible ability in her end credits profile. When I started playing this game, I didn't see this ability for her, and it was kind of disappointing.
I'd love to see Rogue get a buff. She badly needs one. She's a decent champ, but could be so much better.
The same reason why Fan favourite powerhouses like Thor, cap og, Dr strange are dummy in the game. They are released years buff.
So what, Buff them you may ask? Well If they buff rogue tomorrow, then someone will say buff cyclops, buff pheonix buff beast and this cycle continues.
One day rogue might be buffed and she 'may' have indestructible abilities, But we will never know WHEN
Also remember love using Gambit from that game, his SP was also crazy OP, managed to get a 99 hit combo.