Act 6 boss cap iw (might be a glitch)

MuddyQuiet1MuddyQuiet1 Member Posts: 33
So i was trying to kill boss cap iw in act 6 chapter 3 quest 6 and as i was doing it i noticed he was can use sp3 so i use mine sp3 for indestructble so i use it the animation plays and than he used his sp3 and i died i never got the indestructble buff and i just wasted a revive and a boost😭


  • MuddyQuiet1MuddyQuiet1 Member Posts: 33
    Sorry for the bad grammer i was quite pissed at the time lol
  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,191 ★★★★
    The problem could be 1 of 2 things.

    1. You fired the sp3 right after a glanced attack and caused the entire thing to glance (Been a bug forever)

    2. I believe there is a reduced buff duration node so maybe you got it and it expired quickly? I'm not sure about this one since I haven't done the fight in a bit
  • MuddyQuiet1MuddyQuiet1 Member Posts: 33
    Idk if it was glanced but the buff didnt even trigger
  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,191 ★★★★
    It must've been the glance bug. It's annoying but you gotta delay the sp3 just a bit after the hit lands, which is risky if the opponent has an sp3
  • MuddyQuiet1MuddyQuiet1 Member Posts: 33
    Welp thats an L it was annoying enough that he blocks immortality
    Thanks for the info tho
  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,191 ★★★★

    Welp thats an L it was annoying enough that he blocks immortality
    Thanks for the info tho

    Yeah ofc! If you do restart the quest for any reason I'd recommend bringing in heimdall so you can tank an extra sp3
  • MuddyQuiet1MuddyQuiet1 Member Posts: 33
    Yeah ill probably restart i only really need one champ to clear out the guys so in the left over spots i put either herc or dr doom synergys i totaly forgot about heimdall ngl
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