Raids suggestion

MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,443 ★★★★
Tried doing a poll but like everything else it seems it was bugged trying to post it. My suggestion is to just end this week’s raids. Any alliance who got to modok should get the full exploration rewards and bump up a tier from last raid round on old raids or same raid ranking as last one. Kabam has a chance to listen to the community who are more than frustrated with this fight and make it right. Then they have a full month to tune this modok fight to something more manageable. Anyone else think this would be the proper route to go for kabam to appease the player base. This fight apparently was not tested and we again are the guinea pigs. DO THE RIGHT THING KABAM!


  • BlazethebutcherBlazethebutcher Member Posts: 2
    Totally agree.
  • Tummy75Tummy75 Member Posts: 5
    Doing what the prompt says just doesn’t work. I don’t know how you get around that. Why should I have to spend units to fix this? Knock down modok with a special and it doesn’t give you credit?? Your game and nodes are broke!
  • EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Member Posts: 383 ★★
    It would be a good start to have missions that you can do WHILST dealing damage, or just increase the fight timers.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,443 ★★★★
    Yeah this modok is definitely bugged and plays way more aggressively when it prompts you to play like ****. Half the time you don’t even get credit for the actions. Just end this raid and prepare for the next one kabam.
  • INFAMOUS0028INFAMOUS0028 Member Posts: 33
    The AI is not in the best shape for this type of raid fight missions. And the timer is too short. At least add time since prolly not going to fix AI in the coming years lol. I could be mistaken but I thought I heard in the twitch stream that kabam wasn't going to make any adjustments to new raid until atleast 2 or 3 more months go by... Kabam please don't do this. Adjust the modok fight before next month. Thank you 😊
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