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Necropolis exploration

Sinedd92Sinedd92 Posts: 100
I want to eventually explore necropolis, but every single guide I find is from 2023. Are there any new ones, cuz the old ones don't include new champs and strats. I've already finished paths 1 and 3 and looking for some good guides about how to finish up the next ones. I'll be happy for any help <3


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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    Necropolis is still very new all those 2023 guides are still relevant. I’m exploring as well and this guides I’ve seen from 6 months ago were still helpful
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    MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Posts: 1,025 ★★★★
    I haven't found any newer guides, but the strat is still basically the same. You could either aegon button mash your way through every path or do a cheaper run with kate bishop (usually). I found that kate is much more difficult to use on the bottom 3 lanes so if you want an easier time just bring the standard aegon team, heimdall, and a reverse control immune
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    HavanaknightHavanaknight Posts: 473 ★★★
    Probably because there haven’t been any real long form/everest type champs released since necro has been out. Maybe Serpent?
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    MᗅՏᗅCREMᗅՏᗅCRE Posts: 177 ★★

    Probably because there haven’t been any real long form/everest type champs released since necro has been out. Maybe Serpent?

    Serpent could work for Guardian and fantman but other than that its probably meh.
    Onslaught is crazy for necro
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,585 ★★★★★

    Probably because there haven’t been any real long form/everest type champs released since necro has been out. Maybe Serpent?

    Onslaught works for all skill fights like hitmonkey, attuma, misty, elsa and others.
    Serpent is the only direct FAM counter. Funnily, every tough fight in necro either had some sort of direct/cheese counter (diablo, stryfe, galan, attuma etc) or is a skill based fight (herc). But FAM is neither skill based nor counter based, but now serpent is insane for that fight. He is probably the best option for him, and works well for guardian, omega sentinel and nimrod too ig.
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    Sinedd92Sinedd92 Posts: 100
    So my main question is who Kate Bishop is bad against or can't kill at all and is 6* r5 shuri enough for exploration?
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