Carina's Challenges leftovers

So I finally took out all the CCP Carina Challenges this past week, knocking out the Fintech Tigra challenge. Picked 7* Stark Spidey and 7* Massacre, and very happy with those pics. This means I've at least completed every piece of content in the game (including 100% Necropolis). Being at this stage in the game, it does sadden me that my Carina's Challenges menu will always have some of the Vol 1 and Vol 2 challenges incomplete because they're trash challenges (I did 1 path of Abyss for completion, and knew I'd never do another path), and definitely not worth doing now that revive farming is gone, and rewards are pitiful. After I finished the Starlord LOL challenge, I knew I wasn't going to jump back in and do the Inhumans one... that was a resource vacuum!!!!
Anyone else's menu look like this?

Anyone else's menu look like this?

I'd assume the vol 2 ones are the same with r5a too. So if you have nothing to do, stock up on the revives and have a go.
Vol 1 is "easier" with ascended 4*s, but no revive farming kind of kills them.
Now the only content i have to do is the fintech tigra and jabari panther one, will be the first time i don’t have anything to do content wise…
So if you run out of things to do and your revives are in overflow i recommend doing those carinas challenges, good luck
But the carina v2 is fine though. Nowadays it is much easier, most abyss challenge can be done in a small amount of resources