Mutant Dual Threat Supremacy

Rate these 3 mutants from Best to Worst as Dual Threats in BGs.
If you think the order would change if it was looking at defender value instead, comment below.
Fyi I left out a few mutants to keep it simple and down to 3, but Domino would make it a no brainer. Left out NC and Bishop since they're not too difficult on defense. Could make an argument for Bishop, but his main difficulty is the bad AI in throwing sp1
If you think the order would change if it was looking at defender value instead, comment below.
Fyi I left out a few mutants to keep it simple and down to 3, but Domino would make it a no brainer. Left out NC and Bishop since they're not too difficult on defense. Could make an argument for Bishop, but his main difficulty is the bad AI in throwing sp1
Mutant Dual Threat Supremacy 31 votes
Since you're asking for best dual threat and not defender or attacker only, I'd say:
No Inequity ➡️ Sinister, Onslaught, Dust
Yes Inequity ➡️ Onslaught, Sinister, Dust
Dust is very slow, even slower than Sinister with Inequity unless ofc it's a r3 Dust which is extremely rare cause why would anyone do that lmao