Special event where you fight old story bosses

Act 8 had some of the the best boss battles I have seen. I was thinking and it would be cool to see something like the wow and sos war thing but instead line them with act 7 bosses on one side and act 8 bosses on the other. Still bringing in 3 champs to fight with. I'd love this and for it to be a permanent special quest so that it's always there when we feel like doing it again. What's everyone think about this? Maybe a quest instead where you go straight to each boss fight without having to clear a whole path to get to the fight. Each chapter could be a boss fight starting from old ones that have been tuned up for modern level champs.
If there is no lock to this content, then it becomes the only way to actually practice against those bosses.
If it's only unlocked after beating them, then it becomes nothing more than masochistic content. Enjoy at your own peril!! Lol
But I wonder if the eligibility for participation is that you already beat the respective boss. Kabam refused to do similar stuff in the past due to people could practice against them
Omg I hope that wink means something like this is coming. 😍