Daily Super Event Crystal Shards

Tried posting this a few days ago, but it seems to have fallen into limbo so I'm posting again!

I haven't seen anyone talking about this anywhere, so I figured I'd bring it up for your thoughts. I first want to say that the rewards for the Daily Super Event are exciting, and I'm personally looking forward to it. However, the one thing that immediately stood out to me was the amount of 7-Star shards for the active Paragon players. In a 30 day span of time, every progression except Paragon can earn a full crystal. This is broken down below.

Potential Shards Earned in a 30-Day Period:
Uncollected - 30,000 6-Star Shards [2 or 3 champs depending on crystal choice.]
Cavalier - 45,000 6-Star Shards [3 or 4 champs depending on crystal choice.]
Thronebreaker - 60,000 6-Star Shards [4 to 6 champs depending on crystal choice.]
Paragon - 11,250 7-Star Shards [3/4 of a champ.]
Valiant - 22,500 7-Star Shards [1 full champ.]

I understand that shards can be earned through other content, but this is specifically regarding what can be earned from this event. Maybe this stood out to me because collecting shards for roster building and resources is a big part of how I play the game, and I know that's not everyone's approach. But I can't help but think how strange it is that every progression in the event can get free champs, except for Paragon players.

I hope the event is a success and permanently implemented, but do you think the shard amounts should be reevaluated? Feel free to share what you think!


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,772 ★★★★★
    11k shards are more than enough for paragones. If they want more rewards,they should become valiants!
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