Trying to stop procrasting for 6.2.5, 6.2.6

I've been a cav player for about 2 months now.
I beat 6.2.1 easily, got stuck on 6.2.2 , rank 4ed my 5* warlock and forgot about it
Earlier this month, i tried it and breezed through it
6.2.3 wasn't that difficult
6.2.4 took me some time due to War Machine and Deadpool X-Force killing me so it took me 2 revives
Now I know i have no skill and just require your humble opinion on what Champions i could use for the bosses
I know 6.2.5 white mags is essential for Mordo
Below are my 4*r2, 6*r3, 6*r2, 6*r1, 5*r2, 5*r4, 5*r5 , 4*r5 and 6*r1
Now my main options for 6.2.5 boss are Miles cuz he cheeses it but how does it work ??
Would appreciate the help..
I beat 6.2.1 easily, got stuck on 6.2.2 , rank 4ed my 5* warlock and forgot about it
Earlier this month, i tried it and breezed through it
6.2.3 wasn't that difficult
6.2.4 took me some time due to War Machine and Deadpool X-Force killing me so it took me 2 revives
Now I know i have no skill and just require your humble opinion on what Champions i could use for the bosses
I know 6.2.5 white mags is essential for Mordo
Below are my 4*r2, 6*r3, 6*r2, 6*r1, 5*r2, 5*r4, 5*r5 , 4*r5 and 6*r1
Now my main options for 6.2.5 boss are Miles cuz he cheeses it but how does it work ??
Would appreciate the help..
1. Gwenpool: don't worry, lady deathstrike great counter, regens 90% of damage taken from special attacks but rankup her to tank gwenpool sp3. Her hp should roughly be equals to your hulkling hp.
2. Dr voodoo: warlock. Easy fight
3. Colossus: since he is stun immune only need thst champion who have high heavy range. Hulkling is best suited in your roster bcoz he becomes unblockabke by just hitting on opponent block.
Boss fight: doom is best mordo counter. Don't think about use heavy or intecept. Just uses doom cycle carefully. You can use zemo bcoz cleanse any debuff from mordo and mordo have increased debuff duration. White mags make fight less tricky but you don't hit him while he suffer from stun debuff (still do m,l,l,l,h with doom).
Is it useful?
lemme get one revive from the apothecary and since i was grinding bgs open 3 5 stars, do some arena and today night i will do it
Thanks so much
I will come back maybe for additional help maybe...
Also which champ should i rank 5?
i am stuck between Domino, Zemo and Hulkling
Domino is great and a dual threat
Zemo is great on defense and offense and clears Cav EQ pretty fast
Hulkling has a great feel but while waiting for the charges i often get hit