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Best to Awaken? Chee’ilth, Werewolf, Spider Ham or Shocker?

ShakyJake743ShakyJake743 Posts: 57
edited June 24 in Strategy and Tips
From a 7* perspective, who would benefit most from being awakened, most likely low sig?
Chee’ilth, Werewolf, Spider Ham or Shocker?


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    MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Posts: 1,050 ★★★★
    My guess would be werewolf for the unblockable, since shocker generally needs higher sig and I don't know anybody that uses chili. Spiderham would be nice for defense I guess but how many times do you put spam on defense?
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    Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Posts: 256

    as the esteemed @RichardSlugberg has recently given us an update, check their graphs to display how their sig scales. GREAT way to eval sig1, sig 20, 60, Max.

    FWIW I got Shocker duped, and even at 20 that coupon on sp1 helps get his charges rolling. ymmv
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