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Best way to mindlessly do super event

jj_jj_9jj_jj_9 Posts: 107
For the next month I’m going to be so extremely busy. However, I would still like to participate in this new event. What’s the best way to quickly and effortlessly do the event? (Like how doing apothecary arena does hero use and how event quest is from paragauntlet)

I know it’s not out yet but it’s supposed to come out today. If you have any ideas please let me know.

Thanks so much and have a great day.

(I just pulled thing from a titan) 😭


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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,709 ★★★
    Sorry to hear about thing, if u dupe him a lot and r3 he is good tho
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    jj_jj_9jj_jj_9 Posts: 107

    Sorry to hear about thing, if u dupe him a lot and r3 he is good tho

    Yea but that was 5th titan so I’m prob not gonna be unlucky enough to dupe him
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,591 ★★★★★
    edited June 24

    Sorry to hear about thing, if u dupe him a lot and r3 he is good tho

    He is still bad. I will never invest my precious sig stones on a thing even if I get him duped. He is just a trash titan pull no way to be justified. I deliver my absolute condolences to OP for pulling a thing (I pulled blade)
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    SquammoSquammo Posts: 474 ★★★
    Just play normally. 1 simple quest fight gives 22 points, so you only need to do 30 fights to get max points of 660. Winning a Bg match gives a whopping 225 points.
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,709 ★★★
    I offer my condolences ( I pulled bullseye but I would be mad if I pulled thing so I get it)
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,668 ★★★★★
    Wait 40 minutes
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    AvnishAvnish Posts: 391 ★★
    Auto fight 4 time in RTTL...22 points for each fight. You need to do 30 fights for 660 points. 10-15 minutes.. that's it. 0% effort 100% reward. IMO Daily super event is huge win..
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,241 ★★★★★
    I set Colossus to autofight RoL while I work, to farm potions. Today, that cleared this new daily super objective thing easily, with maybe a minute or two of effort by me restarting the quest a dozen times or whatever.
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    obsidimanobsidiman Posts: 839 ★★★
    Auto fight. I think I got 2 milestones just auto fighting through the full t3b quest.
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    Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Posts: 247
    RttL (as said before), first two maps are 8 energy 8 fights. quickest, least energy consumed, easiest to set and forget.

    but really, sitting down and playing for like a half hour rocks this event out. which I believe was the intent (once everything actually works...).
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    Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Posts: 886 ★★★
    As people said ....just auto fight rttl....even better auto fight with plat pool and cut the time down by like 150%
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