Best way to mindlessly do super event

For the next month I’m going to be so extremely busy. However, I would still like to participate in this new event. What’s the best way to quickly and effortlessly do the event? (Like how doing apothecary arena does hero use and how event quest is from paragauntlet)
I know it’s not out yet but it’s supposed to come out today. If you have any ideas please let me know.
Thanks so much and have a great day.
(I just pulled thing from a titan) 😭
I know it’s not out yet but it’s supposed to come out today. If you have any ideas please let me know.
Thanks so much and have a great day.
(I just pulled thing from a titan) 😭
but really, sitting down and playing for like a half hour rocks this event out. which I believe was the intent (once everything actually works...).