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Mystic rank up

captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,714 ★★★★★
My mystic roster is pretty weak compared to others, with only having chavez abs man and doom at a usable rank. I cannot seem to pull a 7* juggs or kush, and I don't wanna invest on 6* version using t6cc which is sstill rare. Who should I rank up?

Mystic rank up 24 votes

r2 7* wiccan
GardoshBen_15455laxthewillrun4adonutJLordVileJ 5 votes
r5 6* juggs
Sagacious0wlAzenstarNightheart 3 votes
r5 6* kush
ItsClobberinTimeDfour24Barani7daILoveDrDoomIndianGamer3 5 votes
r5 6* mojo
wait for a better 7*
Ragnarok13HaverTimeJustcause102Joker1976Messy151JT_SupremeSuper_Cretu90Kingering_KingSkalamenkoYuvraj_267Hulk808 11 votes


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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★
    r2 7* wiccan
    Or wait for a better 7 star
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    Joker1976Joker1976 Posts: 550 ★★★
    wait for a better 7*
    I’d wait it out ‘til 4th of July deals drop, you may end up spinning a few 7 star crystals and have some other options.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,714 ★★★★★
    Joker1976 said:

    I’d wait it out ‘til 4th of July deals drop, you may end up spinning a few 7 star crystals and have some other options.

    Yeah that's a good point but I only have 7500 units will there be any 7* stuff valuable for me to purchase?
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    Joker1976Joker1976 Posts: 550 ★★★
    wait for a better 7*

    Joker1976 said:

    I’d wait it out ‘til 4th of July deals drop, you may end up spinning a few 7 star crystals and have some other options.

    Yeah that's a good point but I only have 7500 units will there be any 7* stuff valuable for me to purchase?
    Idk,..that’s a good question.
    It just would be a shame if you R2 Wiccan or r5 Juggs and then land a 7 star version of him.
    There is also 300 units upcoming in gold track and a guaranteed 7 star champ from the “push further” calendar in a couple days.
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,172 ★★★★★
    r5 6* kush
    If you care about BGs I think Kushala is a must, Serpents and Bullseyes are everywhere now.
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    Yuvraj_267Yuvraj_267 Posts: 316
    wait for a better 7*

    Joker1976 said:

    I’d wait it out ‘til 4th of July deals drop, you may end up spinning a few 7 star crystals and have some other options.

    Yeah that's a good point but I only have 7500 units will there be any 7* stuff valuable for me to purchase?
    And i have only 2.2k, by the way r2 wiccan is good but still prefer for another mystics bcoz there are many mystic nukes sxist as a 7*.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,714 ★★★★★
    Ok then I'll wait for sometime
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