A BG’s post, but not the kind you think it is.

SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 282 ★★★
TL;DR People have been throwing matches in BG’s to farm points for far too long, and it really should be stopped.

There is and has been an issue at hand now, at least it’s an issue to me- for quite a while now.
It can go by many names, but in my opinion shouldn’t be allowed- and should be a bannable offense. Win farming in BG’s.
When you win 1 or 2 games, then throw the next few- and only throw using your energy; and try to win when using gladiator marks.
Look, I have nothing against someone throwing or giving away wins- in order to achieve those daily goals we get. What I do have an issue with however, is when people deliberately throw to get easier matches- to then just steam roll for a while for points.
Kabam, I have an alliance mate currently who is valiant with a 23k prestige, and a 5 mill hero rating. I’ve played against this person in friendlies before, I have seen their deck. It is absolutely disgustingly good.
This particular person currently has 365k points in the alliance BG’s event. Which you may say that’s normal sure, but you know what isn’t? Only being in Plat 5. Why is that suspicious you may ask? Because Plat 5 is when you need to win three in a row to rank up, and it’s no longer only two. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why he’s been stuck at Plat 5, for over 5-6 days now. Consistently playing everyday too, because he sends his wins as screenshots to our Line chat. He’s always in Plat 5 still when he sends them.

I know that this season was bugged to begin with, but people who do this; make BG’s an even less enjoyable mode for most. In my opinion this needs to be addressed, as it also messes up the validity of the solo ranked rewards and the alliance ranked rewards as well.


  • XFREEDOMXXFREEDOMX Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    This time around farming is not ideal. So if someone is willing to waste 30 energy to farm 1 win I'm ok with that.
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    Why don't you concentrate on your own gameplay and progress. Let kabam take care of these kind of people. You should focus on your game.

    TBH I never had any problem with any point farmers. They are using their energy, time and it is their own choice to be in low tier and farm the points..
  • Mixtapevol02Mixtapevol02 Member Posts: 128 ★★
    If you do the math. He wins one and then needs to lose 2. So he’s doing those that are complaining that they can’t get a win a favor.
    Can you ask him what time zone he is in and when he normally plays. We can use that information to get some free wins.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 282 ★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Some friend you are 💀

    I’ve told this particular alliance mate who has been doing this for quite a while, that I think he’s a loser. He and I don’t get along very well. It doesn’t bother me that he and I do not.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 282 ★★★
    Avnish said:

    Why don't you concentrate on your own gameplay and progress. Let kabam take care of these kind of people. You should focus on your game.

    TBH I never had any problem with any point farmers. They are using their energy, time and it is their own choice to be in low tier and farm the points..

    It is, but when you get much lower ranked rewards from the solo event than you probably should’ve- don’t come complaining on the forums about it. There are point farmers everywhere.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,110 ★★★★★
    edited June 2024
    Where is my fair share of easy matches so i can start farming?!

  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,634 ★★★★★

    Where is my fair share of easy matches so i can start farming?!

    This exactly. I don’t think I have had any easy matchup so far. Most of my wins have been against almost evenly matched or stronger opponents. I am yet to face someone with a deck weaker than mine.
  • DanielRandDanielRand Member Posts: 498 ★★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    Where is my fair share of easy matches so i can start farming?!

    This exactly. I don’t think I have had any easy matchup so far. Most of my wins have been against almost evenly matched or stronger opponents. I am yet to face someone with a deck weaker than mine.
    100% this.
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 282 ★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    Where is my fair share of easy matches so i can start farming?!

    This exactly. I don’t think I have had any easy matchup so far. Most of my wins have been against almost evenly matched or stronger opponents. I am yet to face someone with a deck weaker than mine.
    Part of that reason is because of what Kabam is experimenting with this season, in the way that they tier and matchmake people. Another part of that is the points farmers, because you basically have a 50/50 chance that when you run into one- you either get clobbered because 99.9% of the time their decks are insane; or you get a free win.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take a free win as much as the next person; but I just see this as a major issue- especially with how BG’s match makes people now. It just feels like yet another reason for newer, progressing players, to not even think about playing BG’s. So they miss out on arguably the best avenue in the game, to quickly progress their account.
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