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Best deals in paragon glory store ?

edited June 25 in Suggestions and Requests
So I just turned paragon and was looking through what was new and found some deals discounted or some new deals ,after which I wondered which deals I should buy every week to easily rank up my champ and have enough for emergency use . I wish to ask other paragon and valiant players which deals are they buying or used to buy


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    cartman_braa2cartman_braa2 Posts: 105
    Rank up items
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    mattressmattress Posts: 433 ★★★
    edited June 26
    T6cc, t6b, t3a. Class cats come slower than the others and is more rng dependent so I generally go for those 1st. 7*s can take a while depending on luck of cats and worthy Champs to rank up
    I wouldn't take a 6* above r4 unless they are a banger or using a gem
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    Josh2507Josh2507 Posts: 655 ★★★★
    Those gold crystals are your friend, I usually buy 4 - 5 per week
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    The_0wenpusThe_0wenpus Posts: 178 ★★
    Josh2507 said:

    Those gold crystals are your friend, I usually buy 4 - 5 per week

    It's a better deal to buy and sell the basic tier 4&5 catalysts for gold.
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    edited July 2
    I just go all in on iso but now I buy t5 basic and 5% t6cc selector
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