My newest Titan crystal

Actually kinda happy to have a hard counter to bullseye and she’s far far far better than 90% of the pool (like seriously, blade, sable, or thing would’ve been a tragedy). Anyone have any tips on her? I know her damage seemed a little underwhelming but she was someone that I genuinely liked as an attacker outside of Prowler.

There was only like 6 champs I wanted and she was one of the ones I’d have been happy with because the others are massive L’s. I wanted Skull dupe, Onslaught dupe, bullseye, serp, Negasonic, or Prowler (who would’ve sat on the bench until awakening but he’s still way better than most others lol). I dodged the landmines of blade and thing and that’s what I’m happiest about lol
Good job on dodging that Thing btw lol
Oh yeah she’s super annoying to fight. I’ve fought her multiple times on my way to GC and she screwed me over every single time
Onslaught is already r5a, bullseye is r5 but will be ascended as soon as I’m done opening them if I don’t pull him. Red skull isn’t r5 yet but same thing applies to him, and serpent I perma ban anyway. Dust would be cool I guess? Maybe destroyer too, both for defense. Prowler I hear is good but his rotation looks annoying to me, and everyone else I just don’t care about. This is probably the lowest stakes titan crystal I’ll ever open lmao.
I would’ve liked Dust as a defender and for other content (maybe AW?) but she’s not a very good attacker for BGs so Negasonic was easily my mutant pick since she’s annoying to fight and she shuts down skills. The others yeah, if you have them ascended r5 it’s not really worth it. I have bullseye ascended but he still would’ve been one of my top pulls. Prowler needs the dupe to be a great attacker but he’s cool. His rotation isn’t bad, it’s more so his sig scaling
Funnily enough, as easy as she is to fight with techs, I barely seem to draft them. The likes of FAM completely destroy her, but techs are rare in my deck cause a lot of them are eh for battlegrounds. Skull and FAM seem to be the most common now but if I don’t draft them it’s joever lol
Both Thing
And that's where Bullseye is placed mostly
You also have champs like dani who I would argue have much higher damage potential whilst also having a more yn evade counter as well her anti purify ability, toad who is an absolute dark horse, archangel with his seemingly eternally useful aar, and do I need to mention onslaught, mags, professor x, and sunspot is a much better bg nuke.
She's good but let's not go crazy lmao
Agree with Dani, Sunspot, and Onslaught, but prof X and mags? Not for battlegrounds. They’re barely relevant there