Best BG defenders (S19) big surprises for me!!

Going into this season i thought the best defenders would be all the armour gaining damage reducing normal types, Red skulls, IMIWs and the likes. I also hypothesised that Bullseye and serpent would just be the worst, but in some ways I was wrong.
All the armour gainers get shut down by the attacker node, cosmics reign supreme, Bullseyes best counters don’t do on hit damage anyways (onslaught, mr sinister, negasonic), Serpent still sucks, although CGR is my go to against him (and luckily I have a R6 6* of my own)
The best defenders for me have actually been Dr Doom, Abs Man, Korg and Zemo.
Dr doom and abs man being immune to armour break is amazing, so often rosters are based around armour breaking attackers they forget to draft characters which counter these matchups. Of course there are ways of solving these problems but these 2 have won me a lot of games by just waiting out the clock.
Korg and Zemo being able to purify armour breaks also really hampers fights. I mean a high sig korg is a real menace right now, you either have to deal with a high armour super tank or korg shenanigans. Not to mention that other than CGR the big cosmic attackers (See: Herc, Galan, Odin, Vox, Gorr, Hulkling, DKG) all take his thorns damage. Zemo can really slow fights as well, again, either you’re fighting a high armour tanked up zemo (not a fun time) or having to deal with constant rooting.
I’d like to hear others thoughts as well, which defenders are working best for them and why? In which situations are people getting unique interactions that normally they wouldn’t without such an odd meta?
All the armour gainers get shut down by the attacker node, cosmics reign supreme, Bullseyes best counters don’t do on hit damage anyways (onslaught, mr sinister, negasonic), Serpent still sucks, although CGR is my go to against him (and luckily I have a R6 6* of my own)
The best defenders for me have actually been Dr Doom, Abs Man, Korg and Zemo.
Dr doom and abs man being immune to armour break is amazing, so often rosters are based around armour breaking attackers they forget to draft characters which counter these matchups. Of course there are ways of solving these problems but these 2 have won me a lot of games by just waiting out the clock.
Korg and Zemo being able to purify armour breaks also really hampers fights. I mean a high sig korg is a real menace right now, you either have to deal with a high armour super tank or korg shenanigans. Not to mention that other than CGR the big cosmic attackers (See: Herc, Galan, Odin, Vox, Gorr, Hulkling, DKG) all take his thorns damage. Zemo can really slow fights as well, again, either you’re fighting a high armour tanked up zemo (not a fun time) or having to deal with constant rooting.
I’d like to hear others thoughts as well, which defenders are working best for them and why? In which situations are people getting unique interactions that normally they wouldn’t without such an odd meta?
Seems that Bullseye isn’t just a defender for this meta, very good counter tho those aforementioned armour break immune tanks
(Idk why he was using galan against Doom maybe trying to get damage through detonation as hits would be weak?)
As for attack, the only two cool things I've discovered are 1. Galan can take Bullseye with very little health loss and 2. Adam can absolutely clap Serpent with very little health loss as well (he can also do a few problematic mystics like Kindred but those aren't as impressive)
Ps: Doom can be done with Galan, parry like a psycho and drop harvest, he actually could've won that match if he played properly.
Attack : champ who deal dot or burst are better.
Chavez is absolute Mvp this season. She deals more damage for each buff, and he orange dimension reduce the potency by 60%. My trick is activate 3 dimensions and launch heavy, cancel into sp2 at orange dimensions. Now I have 3 orange dimension, so now the armor up effects are reversed (-200% armor ) so the more the armor buffs, the more damage you do, and no champ is immune to this. She is basically a guaranteed w on attack.
Kushala is another great non cosmic counter, Use soul barb or nullify as per the need and melt opponents. Scorpion and spam can handle the annoying tanky mystics like rintrah drago doom abs and mangog.
Abs is that defender I never cared about. Maybe that's just me lol
Talking galan vs doom
Doom have plenty of answers including ham, silk, scorp, kate etc
Def op
As for the others, Thing is awful to fight this meta like clobberin said. Instaban for me cause if I don’t draft Kate or something it’s a time stall. Then it’s just been mostly Photon, Bullseye, Onslaught, and Serpent with a touch of Kindred to annoy me.
The defenders who have created the most challenges for the opponent are probably KM, Bishop, Maestro, Bullseye, Doom, Onslaught and Korg...but that is not new.
I always ban 3 cosmic champs, it often gives the opponent less good options to choose from...My R3 Bullseye, 6R5A Onslaugt and Sinister are most often banned.
R3 Hulk gone in 30 secs 🧨💥🔥
I will definitely r3 him
Was wondering if Odin would be good for this meta. Just basic Odin strat, or is the a different rotation?