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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

SoS Anhillus Cheese Options

AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,856 ★★★★
edited June 26 in General Discussion
Cheese Options:
Damage Burst: Gamora (She hits hard) - Spamming sp1s is sufficient
Damage Over Time: Vox (He hits hard) - It's not really his special damage but his each basic hit takes down 1% health. Degens do a good damage gradually.
X-Men: (Best Option) Storm Pyr X (Parry and Sp2) - Yes you can parry without fear and give passive stuns.

This was the most fun and quickest SoS i have done yet. All challenges are easily soloable. Rest all SoS challenges took me quite sometime to get used to but this one was straightforward.

Only thing you need to learn is perfect block Anihillus sp1 beam which is like Bahamet projectile like thing, easy to do. Don't push him to sp2.


  • Options
    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,599 ★★★★★
    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?
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    AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,856 ★★★★
    edited June 26

    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?

    OG will do more damage but she can't passive stun. Pyr X is beginner friendly for a parry and play style
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,599 ★★★★★
    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?
    Ashacekar said:

    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?

    OG will do more damage but she can't passive stun. Pyr X is beginner friendly for a parry and play style
    How can she apply passive stun? Annihilus don't have any purify node. What am I missing?
  • Options
    AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,856 ★★★★

    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?

    Ashacekar said:

    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?

    OG will do more damage but she can't passive stun. Pyr X is beginner friendly for a parry and play style
    How can she apply passive stun? Annihilus don't have any purify node. What am I missing?
    Don't know about nodes but it works. Either a bug or something we don't understand. I didn't really read the nodes apart from the perfect block thing.

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    BadMother2BadMother2 Posts: 24

    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?

    Ashacekar said:

    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?

    OG will do more damage but she can't passive stun. Pyr X is beginner friendly for a parry and play style
    How can she apply passive stun? Annihilus don't have any purify node. What am I missing?
    It’s in Annihilus’ kit, he can purify stuns

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    AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,856 ★★★★

    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?

    Ashacekar said:

    Is storm x better than og storm for this objective?

    OG will do more damage but she can't passive stun. Pyr X is beginner friendly for a parry and play style
    How can she apply passive stun? Annihilus don't have any purify node. What am I missing?
    It’s in Annihilus’ kit, he can purify stuns

    Is there a reason why same doesn't work for Bishop though? His sp2 isn't doing any damage and he is also not inflicting passive stuns.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★

    This is why
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    Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Posts: 263 ★★★
    I used my white magneto, although I’m probably in the minority of having him 5/65 and ascended
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    Johnrbravo1977Johnrbravo1977 Posts: 1
    Anyone missing a point? Only have 16 and I haven’t miss any objective
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    AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,856 ★★★★
    edited June 26

    Anyone missing a point? Only have 16 and I haven’t miss any objective

    16 is what it should be without bonus objective. It would still be enough to get 24 incase you missed one somehow, gauntlet is 8 points.
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