Shang Chi still as good as he was?

Tempest_024Tempest_024 Member Posts: 144
I never had the 6 star and always wanted him, as I use to see a ton of people completing everything with him, around the time he came out until recently. Seems like now that he's a 7 star, he's not talked about as much. Does that mean he's fallen off, or it's just well known he's good. Just got the 7 star, but trying to decide between him and Crossbones for first rank up. I know Crossbones is being talked about recently and seems to be getting some spot light.


  • Tempest_024Tempest_024 Member Posts: 144
    EdisonLaw said:

    He’s still great but the problem is that he is a potato on defense while other skill champs in the same tier have defensive potential

    Gotcha. Since a lot of focus for rosters is BGs, that makes sense.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
    I’d put him behind Mantis as an attacker nowadays tbh. She can nuke Photon and Onslaught better than him but he’s still a great attacker
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,400 ★★★
    YES YES YES!! Don’t listen to the Shang haters, he’s still amazing. I use him all the time very day, he was my first 6*, and as a paragon almost valiant, he is amazing. He has very strong damage and utility, good slow, assisted opening, his scaling sp2 is great!! He is a wonderful, and my favorite skill champ, and top 6 favorite all time champion
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,400 ★★★

    I have seen mutliple r3 shang chis, I myself have him at 7* r2. He is the best 7* skill champion

  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,158 ★★★★★
    So good I had to r3…
  • Tempest_024Tempest_024 Member Posts: 144

    I have him as a 7* at rank 3, he hasn’t fallen off at all imo. As someone else said he’s not looked at as highly due to having no defensive value whatsoever which I agree with, never place him on defense. I also think part of his problem is he doesn’t take as many of the new top defenders, or at least not as seamlessly as others.

    He can do onslaught but takes a chunk of neuroshock damage from crits, he can take photon but you have to play it smart with when you heavy to reset your strikes as you want photon to go into pure light at the right time. He can take maestro as well but only if you can reliably get charges from his perfect dex mechanic. Outside of those matchups and a couple others he’s pretty versatile

    With all that said if your focus is content his value skyrockets, the amount of utility he has is insane, he takes so many lanes you wouldn’t expect him to. When I was exploring 8.4 I used Shang for at least 12/18 paths, not even because i tried to force him in, he was genuinely just the best option I had, and he was amazing for them.

    If I had the same choice I’d personally choose Shang, crossbones is just very stressful to play to
    me, and while he does some amazing things when played well if the ai decides to be passive and things go wrong you have to start all the way back from square one. Crossbones is also a terrible defender like Shang is, so he has no advantage over Shang there. At the end of the day it’s up to you and who you like playing more, but I would probably take up Shang.

    This is a good insight, thank you. I want to like Crossbones, but I think he's stressful to play too. Maybe I just haven't played him enough, but I'm not sure I want to force myself to play a champ like that. Thanks again.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,655 ★★★★★

    I have him as a 7* at rank 3, he hasn’t fallen off at all imo. As someone else said he’s not looked at as highly due to having no defensive value whatsoever which I agree with, never place him on defense. I also think part of his problem is he doesn’t take as many of the new top defenders, or at least not as seamlessly as others.

    He can do onslaught but takes a chunk of neuroshock damage from crits, he can take photon but you have to play it smart with when you heavy to reset your strikes as you want photon to go into pure light at the right time. He can take maestro as well but only if you can reliably get charges from his perfect dex mechanic. Outside of those matchups and a couple others he’s pretty versatile

    With all that said if your focus is content his value skyrockets, the amount of utility he has is insane, he takes so many lanes you wouldn’t expect him to. When I was exploring 8.4 I used Shang for at least 12/18 paths, not even because i tried to force him in, he was genuinely just the best option I had, and he was amazing for them.

    If I had the same choice I’d personally choose Shang, crossbones is just very stressful to play to
    me, and while he does some amazing things when played well if the ai decides to be passive and things go wrong you have to start all the way back from square one. Crossbones is also a terrible defender like Shang is, so he has no advantage over Shang there. At the end of the day it’s up to you and who you like playing more, but I would probably take up Shang.

    This is a good insight, thank you. I want to like Crossbones, but I think he's stressful to play too. Maybe I just haven't played him enough, but I'm not sure I want to force myself to play a champ like that. Thanks again.
    Crossbones is good, but it has to be the right matchup. Champions with easy punishable specials are perfect for Xbones
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