Can We Please Stop Adding Deathless Pieces in Battlegrounds

I don't think I'm the only one who feels like this. Battlegrounds have been very encouraging for people who have bigger accounts and whales, but there are some casual players who just wants the deathless pieces without the grind of battlegrounds.
It was possible with Deathless KG so I don't see why not continue the trend of not putting deathless pieces in Battlegrounds.
Would probably better to have a Carina's challenge of sort like using the 3* of the original champion in ROL. Still better than climbing to GC.
Hopefully others will agree.
It was possible with Deathless KG so I don't see why not continue the trend of not putting deathless pieces in Battlegrounds.
Would probably better to have a Carina's challenge of sort like using the 3* of the original champion in ROL. Still better than climbing to GC.
Hopefully others will agree.
I think the “bigger accounts cruise through BGs” argument isn’t totally accurate. Some do, but for many accounts that don’t make a career of BGs it’s a slog like it is for everyone else. Double that slog with the seeding mess and then add some more on top for the impact of 7/4 deals.
Dr. Zola
I don’t loathe BG’s… but grinding for GC just isn’t my cup of tea and makes me loathe the mode. I like rolling through the ranks at my own pace and not stressing where I finish.
The deathless chase as a whole is fun for a subset of players. Another subset will find acquisition a chore at best with lots of frustration and resources used in ways they don’t desire. Some in the latter group will press on, others (like me) find it not worth it.
They have been pretty clear who they were targeting to participate for thanos acquisition so I don’t think it’s unfair for them to scatter these about in content and milestones that aren’t desirable for the rest of us.
If you made this post when the season is about to end, I would've talked in favour of you. But there's 19 more days into this season. You cannot get to gc if you never try to in the first place.
You don't like/don't play bgs? Cool. There's more content in game other than bgs, But deathless piece is only for those who play all game modes.
Cause I don't.
Ordinarily I’d agree. But this BG season has been fumbled from the start, which should have caused the team to reconsider the location of the Vision piece.
We always hear “but it’s too late to change”—unless, of course, it’s important enough to change, in which case it’s never too late. Hard for me to believe the crack team of coders at MCoC can’t come up with a way when the season was a few minutes old and they realized their mistake.
Don’t misunderstand—I’m at Vibranium now and will get the piece given the time remaining. But I think this season should have been handled differently.
Dr. Zola
I would prefer most pieces be in permanent content, but I'm not sure how that would work.
I got three 7r3, but I've matched with people who have seven 7r3 and all duped/high sigs.