Launch Pool Selector or Titan Nexus?

Missing both Domino and Hulk from Launch Pool, but also don't have Onslaught.
I'm going to grab the 36k deal, so I can get Onslaught from there, but if i can manage to get him from the Titan Nexus, then I can pick a new Photon from the 2023 selector instead.
Besides Onslaught, the only other champs in the titan that interest me are Dupes for Serpent / Red Skull , but its mainly Onslaught.
My science is already covered in Silk and Titania so I can skip Hulk, so its mainly between Domino and Onslaught. Though, its just a 1 in 8 chance of getting Onslaught from the Titan Nexus.
Do you think Launch Pool Selectors will continue to be even more available? Possibly from the next Everest content coming in August
I'm going to grab the 36k deal, so I can get Onslaught from there, but if i can manage to get him from the Titan Nexus, then I can pick a new Photon from the 2023 selector instead.
Besides Onslaught, the only other champs in the titan that interest me are Dupes for Serpent / Red Skull , but its mainly Onslaught.
My science is already covered in Silk and Titania so I can skip Hulk, so its mainly between Domino and Onslaught. Though, its just a 1 in 8 chance of getting Onslaught from the Titan Nexus.
Do you think Launch Pool Selectors will continue to be even more available? Possibly from the next Everest content coming in August
Launch Pool Selector or Titan Nexus? 96 votes
I have Spider-punk and Sersi (awaken, if I pick them it'd be for sigs), Serpent (new)
first is pulling champion, second is awaken, and third is multiple dupes or add sigs to that champion.
very happy with this 7* rng.
The main one I'm missing is domino, i also can get onslaught from the 2023 selector. But if i luck out on getting him from the Titan Nexus, i can go for Photon instead from the selector.
I think it boils down to how rare Kabam plans to make the launch pool selector, i.e. 18k again on Cyber Monday as the next time or as early as the Everest Content they have planned in August
As for your second comment, that is true but the chances of pulling garbage or mid are still way higher than pulling something useful.
Now the only saving grace is that Negasonic gets a numbers buff /Shuri like buff in her rebalance period. Fingers crossed
Also 7* Negasonic slaps at r3, and I think it's worth the investment personally. Her damage might not be the best but she cheeses the entire skill class which is very cool.
In execution? Not even close.
Domino is one of the best defenders in the game , and can be used for attack with Sinister Relic.
Negasonic while countering a whole class hits as hard as Mephisto or Karnak. She's in desperate need of a numbers buff if not a Shuri level one.
I can be wrong though 😕
All the fights against r3s were 60-65 but against r6s and r2s she can do them all in 45-55 100% health except for Nick.
I do think she needs a bit of a damage tune up though I agree, only thing I don't agree with is saying her damage is Mephisto/Karnak level that's a little too extreme 💀
Went Hulk for 18k
Onslaught at 36k.