downtime cost me the 4 star star lord

OK i am so fuming right now i got 7.2 million for 4 star star lord if the downtime did not happen i would have won him what pisses me off more is i used 1000 units towards to recover the time and still missed
kabam need to sort servers out once and for all even if it means when no event on disable game for 24 hours to get it sorted i will never be spending another penny on this game unless its fixed

kabam need to sort servers out once and for all even if it means when no event on disable game for 24 hours to get it sorted i will never be spending another penny on this game unless its fixed

I have 78 four stars and about 12 five stars compare to yours.
I feel bad that android users like me got less time to grind arena as compared to iOS users.
i hope we get compensation.
Maybe they were roasting roosters on their rosters?
What roster contains rooster roasters?
Is there multiple arenas like different brackets? Cause I had 8,270,719 and was rank 898 so I put up more and ranked less.....
May bad just saw that. lol I did rank higher stupid me
ok for one i have dyspraxia and have trouble with spelling so think before you start getting mouthy
ok i surrer with dyspraxia and have trouble so please dont start things without reason spelling does not matter aslong as i get my point across
LOOOL. Good to see you are still grinding away, Flame-boy.
was from 7am friday to 5pm friday so yeah 10 hours ios had a major advantage