Act 8 final boss

17111711 Member Posts: 318 ★★
Hi everyone I am stuck at the final boss of act 8 whole team is down and so I’m going to head to arena farm up to 3k units maybe more which champs in my teams would you recommend for taking him down?


  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,190 ★★★★
    Ummm none of your champs are amazing for the fight, I'd say maybe cgr for the rest of your revs, or just purchase team revs.

    I would highly highly recommend watching a guide to really get a handle on the fight before spending a bunch of units
  • TheshadowTheshadow Member Posts: 352 ★★
    use cgr. if you learn about his punsihments from youtube and do one test run with anyone and go with cgr and he is pretty cheese
  • 17111711 Member Posts: 318 ★★
    Theshadow said:

    use cgr. if you learn about his punsihments from youtube and do one test run with anyone and go with cgr and he is pretty cheese

    I feel comfortable using Hercules?
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