Please rate my luck! And help me!

Yellow-Pulled today!!!
Red-Last Week
Blue-Last 2 months
So...besides my four 7 stars, just realize how is my mind right now with dozens of top champs!!!
- Hercules will be R4
- I do have a Saga R3 to R4 I can use on Bullseye or Jessica Jones
- I do have an ascension gem R3 to R4 too to other 6 stars.
So...which one may I use it?
Wait to upgrade Hulk, White Tiger or NTWH?
Thanks in advance

Please rate my luck! And help me! 17 votes
Awesome! Top Pulls!
5 votes
Great new champs!
3 votes
Only average
6 votes
Forgive us Kabam! Crystals not rigged!
3 votes
As you can see the complains at "Kabam give me bad champs from Crystals" are dumb..
Always rng. Sadly no....😎
As I said Herc to R4
Nick ,the champ I got on BG Nexus Crystal after reach 150k, will be ascended
I see some videos on YT and decided to R4 Archangel
My only doubt now is the Saga gem to use on Bullseye (already R3) or Jessica Jones.
That’s some awesome pulls.
Yes, Nick and Herc are guaranteed to do work, AA would have been my next suggestion as well.
a recommendation? take a few days with each/ any champ, and learn them. run them through content. trap I fall into is getting excited for "the pull", and find out after some rank up that I may not be down with their play style, or not great at piloting them.
that said, fro the roster listed, you don't get to complain about crystal openings for a hot minute, dude. you got a LOT of options,~75% VERY good options. learn'em, and good luck with it.
also, seconding @Rayven5220 , Moo Cow is insanely fun, and if you get him Max Sig he borders on unkillable.
Enjoying this title and having fun.
I will do the rest of act 6 with a good team after this whole preparation.
After 6 years ,im used to a lot of champs, learned how to fight with and dex them.
Rintrah will be next for sure after Hercules, Bullseye or Jessica, Archangel and Nick Fury