Drax Rework Idea

Hello, Just had a couple more ideas, so I'm gonna write 'em down. The idea keeps the champ very simple and would be more in line with the cinematic version as opposed to any of his more Powerful comic versions.
The stats are loosely based off of a 5* r5/ 6* r2
Awakened Ability: Enthrall: Fury fascinates the Destroyer, every time Drax gains a Fury effect, he increases the Potency of all future Furies for the rest of the fight by 2% - 4% up to a maximum increase of 120%.
Fervor: All attacks and hits from Drax's Sp1 & Sp2 grant Drax a charge of Fervor. After reaching 8 charges all Fervor are consumed and Drax gains a Fury Buff lasting 9 seconds and increasing attack rating by 40%.
Critical strikes: All Critical hits grant 1 additional Fervor, and have a 40% chance to inflict a Bleed Debuff dealing 100% of his modified attack rating as physical damage over 5 seconds.
Specials: If Fervor is consumed during any of Drax's Sp1 or Sp2, he gains 1 additional Fervor Fury Buff.
Sp1: Skull Crack: Upon launching gain 3 Fervor, If this attack is a critical hit it grants 3 additional Fervor. This attack cannot inflict a Bleed even if it lands a critical hit.
Sp2: Twin Blades: If this attack is launched while at or above 5 Fervor, all hits are guaranteed critical hits.
Critical hits for this attack have a 100% chance to inflict the Bleed debuff.
Sp3: The Destroyer: Gain 1 Fervor Fury buff, for every Fervor Fury that Drax has gained this fight up to a maximum of 12 Furies gained.
Those who dance, and those who do not: Other Synergy members: Star-Lord, Gamora
Drax: After idling for 1.2 seconds Drax gains an indefinite Aptitude Buff, increasing the potency of all Armor Up, Cruelty, Fury, and Precision buffs gained by 15% (Max stacks 2), 1 Aptitude gained this way is lost each time Drax dashes back.
Star-Lord: While dashing back and for 2 seconds after Star-Lord gains a passive Combo-Shield. If this Combo Shield prevent Star-Lord from losing combo it goes on cooldown for 25 seconds.
Gamora: After dashing back pause all of Gamora's personal buffs until Gamora performs another action. If the pause lasted for more than 1 second, it goes on cooldown for 12 seconds after Gamora performed her next action.
Vengeance for Yvette: Other Synergy members: Ronan, Thanos
Drax: Fervor Fury Buffs also grant +200 Critical Damage Rating.
Ronan: Non-Stun Debuffs gain 20% increased Potency.
Thanos: All attacks have an 69% increased chance to grant a Fury Buff.
Families Lost: Other Synergy Members: Punisher
All Synergy members: While under the effects of a Fury Buff, all Bleeds inflicted by the synergy members have 25% increased potency.
That's what I've come up with so far, if you have any other ideas I'd love to hear them. I've done many other rework ideas if you liked this, maybe check those out too.
If you made it all the way through, I appreciate you, and thank you.
The stats are loosely based off of a 5* r5/ 6* r2
Awakened Ability: Enthrall: Fury fascinates the Destroyer, every time Drax gains a Fury effect, he increases the Potency of all future Furies for the rest of the fight by 2% - 4% up to a maximum increase of 120%.
Fervor: All attacks and hits from Drax's Sp1 & Sp2 grant Drax a charge of Fervor. After reaching 8 charges all Fervor are consumed and Drax gains a Fury Buff lasting 9 seconds and increasing attack rating by 40%.
Critical strikes: All Critical hits grant 1 additional Fervor, and have a 40% chance to inflict a Bleed Debuff dealing 100% of his modified attack rating as physical damage over 5 seconds.
Specials: If Fervor is consumed during any of Drax's Sp1 or Sp2, he gains 1 additional Fervor Fury Buff.
Sp1: Skull Crack: Upon launching gain 3 Fervor, If this attack is a critical hit it grants 3 additional Fervor. This attack cannot inflict a Bleed even if it lands a critical hit.
Sp2: Twin Blades: If this attack is launched while at or above 5 Fervor, all hits are guaranteed critical hits.
Critical hits for this attack have a 100% chance to inflict the Bleed debuff.
Sp3: The Destroyer: Gain 1 Fervor Fury buff, for every Fervor Fury that Drax has gained this fight up to a maximum of 12 Furies gained.
Those who dance, and those who do not: Other Synergy members: Star-Lord, Gamora
Drax: After idling for 1.2 seconds Drax gains an indefinite Aptitude Buff, increasing the potency of all Armor Up, Cruelty, Fury, and Precision buffs gained by 15% (Max stacks 2), 1 Aptitude gained this way is lost each time Drax dashes back.
Star-Lord: While dashing back and for 2 seconds after Star-Lord gains a passive Combo-Shield. If this Combo Shield prevent Star-Lord from losing combo it goes on cooldown for 25 seconds.
Gamora: After dashing back pause all of Gamora's personal buffs until Gamora performs another action. If the pause lasted for more than 1 second, it goes on cooldown for 12 seconds after Gamora performed her next action.
Vengeance for Yvette: Other Synergy members: Ronan, Thanos
Drax: Fervor Fury Buffs also grant +200 Critical Damage Rating.
Ronan: Non-Stun Debuffs gain 20% increased Potency.
Thanos: All attacks have an 69% increased chance to grant a Fury Buff.
Families Lost: Other Synergy Members: Punisher
All Synergy members: While under the effects of a Fury Buff, all Bleeds inflicted by the synergy members have 25% increased potency.
That's what I've come up with so far, if you have any other ideas I'd love to hear them. I've done many other rework ideas if you liked this, maybe check those out too.
If you made it all the way through, I appreciate you, and thank you.