Upcoming champion predications based on narrative roadmap

So the anagrams are basically impossible because they could be any title for the event but the color schemes are interesting.
August - we know the first champ is BRB but my prediction for the second is 100% enchantress. He said that a mystic champ is coming with BRB and the remaining colors at the bottom of the screen were black green and a lightish green or yellow which corresponds to Enchantresses' Black and green dress and her bright hair. She is also a magic user and she is connected with BRB and the other asguardians so this seems like a surefire thing
September - is going to be Shathra and another villainous character. The remaining colors seem to be Red, Orange and Yellow most prominently. I think this would be a good fit for Pyro especially since its an easy Moth to a Flame reference.
October - Only real information we got here is that they will be cosmic and tech.
November - Mystic+Mutant - probably dazzler. The story is involving mojo and dazzler is typically involved with mojo and longshot. Her outfit is usually bright whites and blues
December - not much info given here other than it's very narratively important. I can think of very few characters with this pink purple yellow color scheme. One is batroc the leaper but I can't imagine him being that important for story stuff. Then again Tyler said he would be very surprised if we got this champ correctly so they are probably pretty obscure which batroc fits. Could also be Cottonmouth or Fer-de-lance from the serpent society and Serpents could be the next part of the narrative considering the Chrono"serpent" is the big bad of the game.
August - we know the first champ is BRB but my prediction for the second is 100% enchantress. He said that a mystic champ is coming with BRB and the remaining colors at the bottom of the screen were black green and a lightish green or yellow which corresponds to Enchantresses' Black and green dress and her bright hair. She is also a magic user and she is connected with BRB and the other asguardians so this seems like a surefire thing
September - is going to be Shathra and another villainous character. The remaining colors seem to be Red, Orange and Yellow most prominently. I think this would be a good fit for Pyro especially since its an easy Moth to a Flame reference.
October - Only real information we got here is that they will be cosmic and tech.
November - Mystic+Mutant - probably dazzler. The story is involving mojo and dazzler is typically involved with mojo and longshot. Her outfit is usually bright whites and blues
December - not much info given here other than it's very narratively important. I can think of very few characters with this pink purple yellow color scheme. One is batroc the leaper but I can't imagine him being that important for story stuff. Then again Tyler said he would be very surprised if we got this champ correctly so they are probably pretty obscure which batroc fits. Could also be Cottonmouth or Fer-de-lance from the serpent society and Serpents could be the next part of the narrative considering the Chrono"serpent" is the big bad of the game.
As for December, I'm hoping Wizard because... purple
October we do have information, we know that it's a spooky themed event and the characters follow that theme as well as being a cosmic and tech. Based on this and the colours the most likely option is scream for cosmic and jack o lantern/hob goblin for tech.
Dazzler and spiral are all but guaranteed for November
December is up in the air, but the possibilities that seem most likely are madcap, agatha or maybe mandarin but it's still pretty loose.
Someone did work out the anagrams for a lot of the events:
August- forest of the wicked
September - a Latin word that I can't remember meaning something like below the ground or beneath the alps
October - house of horrors
November - sparkle and shine
December - violent delights
Agree. We need to remember that movies and shows are somewhat connected with Mcoc.
Also ,she was in one recent pool.
Was hoping for Puck and Shaman but now i see Snowbird coming sooner like in november