Someone please help me find a silver lining

So i just completed the victory track (yay me). Opened up a titan and pulled Nova. Unfamiliar with him. Someone please give me hope that he aint a terrible pull

I pulled blade on one of my titans if that makes you feel any better.
1) Titan shards starting to be available a bit more these days.
2) My last 3 Titans open was very bad too, and I hear many others not having great luck either. Simula67 YT, he open 4 Titans and I think he pull Silver Saber 3 times, so it can always be worst.
3) Nova does want awaken and high sig, but whenever that day come, he will be awesome 😊.
4) Congrats on getting the 7* Vision piece, so one step closer to an exclusive 7* champ.
5) it is a Sunday, make yourself a nice cup of Joe (or tea or whatever your fancy) and take a deep breathe, and enjoy a moment of quietness. There will be plenty more crystals to open.
Have a good Sunday my friend 😊
Better luck on future openings.
Sorry, I could only find the Silver Line.
Trappy likes him, but does make the point of needing high Sig: