2nd Best Skill Defender?

So its obvious Bullseye takes spot #1 in BGs, who do you think is the next best after him?
Note: This is assuming rank 3 for each, so champs that would normally just nuke Attuma down fast and still get a high score against the r2 like Hulkling or Juggs would lose a lot of health against the r3
Note: This is assuming rank 3 for each, so champs that would normally just nuke Attuma down fast and still get a high score against the r2 like Hulkling or Juggs would lose a lot of health against the r3
I have unduped R3 Bullseye, R2 unduped KM and R2 60 sig Korg in my deck. Korg is still the one who causes the most problems for the opponent.
But KM in various metas takes time. This season without a cosmic attacker? Time out if he didn't kill the opponent.
Surprising to me that he does better than a r3 bullseye, though, not gonna lie.
My r3 sig 70+ KM rarely sees play because he's banned alot, or I don't draft him or they have cgr to absolutely nuke him.
It's annoying.
I will admit, korg is verytanky even when you have a good counter though.
Korg doesn't need a counter, but when you don't have one, there's a lot of room to mistake. Even the best players mess up dexing his sp1, Rock stacks limit your damage and rotation, High sig makes him even annoying. Korg has more counters but attuma is easy to fight.
Black Panther, KillMonger and "White" Widow are true demons
I personally think we're shooting ourselves in the foot when we say (not you specifically) that the utility justifies the low damage , because shes also not going to be used outside the skill class, shes got a specific niche. Unlike Juggs/Hulk/Spam/Sunspot that can take multiple classes. And even then they could just do a slight bump like not needing multiple sp1s like you say for instance.
The way she is right now is just too low of damage to the point where i see people in BGs streams that have her in their deck, always draft a faster option over her. Shuri is at least an auto draft when they have attuma/domino for e.g
She was never meant to be a nuke or anything like that, she was meant to be the safest option for all these meta defenders. There's a reason Kabam changed the scoring system a while ago and health matters more than speed now, they don't want people nuking stuff winning, they want the player with more health winning. I'm not saying I don't want her to get a buff cause I do but I doubt Kabam wants that for her.
Another counter argument is Kushala, she has a butt load of utility but still has the damage (and even more utility than Negasonic). Her damage is not broken , but still very good, which is what i think Nega can be with a slight numbers tune up.
I think at the very minimum they can make her get a more QOL style buff like Shuri did , for e.g refreshing the charges from like a heavy . The numbers style buff is preferred ofc but at the very least an ease of use buff could be considered. And if more people share the sentiment, and post about it etc, it can possibly alter what the outcome of the rebalance period would be. And if not, at the very least, it would help them realize all the mid damage champs that we've been getting as of late this year