Please add auto fight to AQ!

AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
Might as well right? Not like we can do anything for ourselves anymore! Can't block! Can't attack! Have no control over our champs anymore after almost 3 years of playing!!! How does this happen?? How do y'all just keep putting this issue on the backburner?? It's a HUGE PROBLEM with the VERY CORE OF THE GAME and yet just don't give 2 craps about it!!! It's absolute bs. So many rewards are going down the drain for me because I'm already drain of all my resources due this bs. Let alone over 4 MONTHS OF IT!!!


  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    Brand new Samsung Galaxy s8+ @Tomichiwar gtfo of here.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    How do we know you didn’t take your hand off the screen and let go of block? I’ve never had this issue nor has anyone in my alliance complained about it
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
  • TomichiwarTomichiwar Member Posts: 64
    If it didn’t happen before and with a BRAND NEW SAMSUNG GALAXY S8+ you are having this issue, like i said, upgrade phone... we all know how much android sucks for this game.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    The game not responding to what you’re trying to do sounds more like a phone problem even if you just upgraded
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Currently, you are showing your dedication to your alliance by actually fighting rather than putting it as a meh thing.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    Maybe is is my phone itself. But why can't they just tell me that then? How come every single little tap that I make while typing this message out is registered? Registered so well in fact that I can almost just use the static from my fingers to even type it!!! Yet randomly won't register my touches when I'm playing?... hmm....
  • BluntMacheteBluntMachete Member Posts: 164
    Tomichiwar wrote: »
    If it didn’t happen before and with a BRAND NEW SAMSUNG GALAXY S8+ you are having this issue, like i said, upgrade phone... we all know how much android sucks for this game.

    Nice trolling
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Affliction wrote: »
    Maybe is is my phone itself. But why can't they just tell me that then? How come every single little tap that I make while typing this message out is registered? Registered so well in fact that I can almost just use the static from my fingers to even type it!!! Yet randomly won't register my touches when I'm playing?... hmm....

    Have you sent in a ticket
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★

    I don’t see a dropped block. i see scarlet going into her KO animation. Is it possible for iron man to do 11k damage through a block?
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Affliction wrote: »
    Brand new Samsung Galaxy s8+ @Tomichiwar gtfo of here.
    Affliction wrote: »
    Brand new Samsung Galaxy s8+ @Tomichiwar gtfo of here.
    Affliction wrote: »
    Brand new Samsung Galaxy s8+ @Tomichiwar gtfo of here.

    I don’t see a dropped block. i see scarlet going into her KO animation. Is it possible for iron man to do 11k damage through a block? Is this in Duel mode or AQ?
  • Hax84Hax84 Member Posts: 4
    I on s8+.. And yes dropped block issue are problem.. Moust champ who have 2 animacion my block dropped.. And after 1 combo my champ know freeze on sec then i got hit..
  • KrazewulfosKrazewulfos Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2017
    I've had dropped blocks on my Samsung galaxy J7 prime. and on my iPhone 6. both on newest OS's.
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    The sad truth is that it's hard making games for Android. Sure, you may be on the latest android phone, but most developers would program and test on the most common android phone - something that's 4 years old. And yes, those 4 year old android phones are pretty slow as well and playing on them is no better. Such is how android is.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Affliction wrote: »
    Brand new Samsung Galaxy s8+ @Tomichiwar gtfo of here.
    Affliction wrote: »
    Brand new Samsung Galaxy s8+ @Tomichiwar gtfo of here.
    Affliction wrote: »
    Brand new Samsung Galaxy s8+ @Tomichiwar gtfo of here.

    I don’t see a dropped block. i see scarlet going into her KO animation. Is it possible for iron man to do 11k damage through a block? Is this in duel mode?
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    It's in the new 8 hour quest on uncollected. She clearly brings her hands partially up and then drops them at the end. Happens all the time in AQ too tho. Rarely in arena but still comes up. Doesn't seem to matter what game mode. AQ, AW, Story, Event quest. It's just depressing at this point and I've lost all hope of this being resolved anytime soon. They tried to say its "Older devices" which is just complete bs. I've had plenty of people have this happen on iPhone and Android. I played with this phone for a good 2 months b4 August 19th. The game was as smooth as ever since I was coming for a LG Stylo from Metro pos. Never had a problem like this... I'm a skilled player clearing master mode b4 ever having a single four* champ to 5/50. Given Dr. Strange was a god tier then. Cleared ROL Wolverine with SL not using a crit team on this exact device b4 August 19th. Even became uncollected as well. Never had any such problems come up. NOW trying to even do any part of act 5 is just infuriating! Especially knowing what I am capable of. This issue has just become more and more persistent with its appearance. Almost like it's something they like to have around... I've played everyday for, like I've stated, almost 3 years now. Every. Day... I know what I am doing from what is happening. That hit on my video was so well timed it should've parried. If I need I can show my capabilities from when this game was working properly. FROM THIS DEVICE. Idk what is wrong. Or how my phone is capable of reacting to each one of these letters I've just typed. But not register, or to continue to register my touch while in a fight, typically when the AI is at a higher or faster pace.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    @CreeperWhisper7 what's new the iPhone8? People have posted problems on my post about it. IPhone x? That's clearly another problem. What's newer than an Galaxy s8 atm which I'm on? The note? If I plan of fing spending 800+ on a phone I'd like to know it's actually gonna work with this game b4 so. But with how many have already been complaining about the "new phones" having the same problem. As my i guess according to u my "old" Galaxy s8+. Seems like a pointless and risky investment.
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