You thought your BG matchmaking was bad…



  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,239 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Welcome to the reality of BGs, a lot of players wouldn't even have reached Plat2 if Kabam didn't give them a protected matchmaking.
    That went for too long and now people feel as if something was taken away from them.
    Apparently people think this will normalize, my opinion is that it won't, thet put 7* shards and titan shards, people and Kabam provided 10 victory shields (lol) which are being used to push higher than their means and next season they will be seeded higher than they should be.

    Without the compensation shards, a lot of stronger players might sit out next season. So it is hard to say whether next season will be easier to promote in, or harder, relative to this one. But if seeding happens correctly, the path to GC will be substantially shorter in S20 than S19, and that might encourage players (at least the ones that jump in at all) to promote out of VT quicker.

    It took me 149 matches to reach GC this season, compared to 118 last season; 26% more. However, I also reached GC in only 17 days, compared to 24 days last season. The implication is that it took more effort, but it was also much easier to reach GC this season than last season (easier, because having gotten there in fewer days implies that I was continuing to win at a reasonable percentage for longer stretches and thus encouraged to do more matches and promoting faster). I also reached D5 (the correct seeding spot for GC players) after 72 matches and 9 days, which is more than half my total effort to GC.

    So much of the VT experience depends on how the other players behave, so it is difficult to extrapolate these numbers into S20. We'll need several seasons of the current system to really know.
    The 10 VS were unnecessary compensation, I appreciated it; but it was unnecessary because it allows smaller accounts reach higher places by brute forcing. Sure it is some "instant satisfaction". Next season they will be seeded higher than they should have and not enjoy their experience.
    I know they said we will see changes.. in a few months, my personal prediction, the results won't show for at least 3 seasons. The next one is already botched.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,174 ★★★★★
    Dankeace said:

    You're both in Vib III - what's the problem?

    Idk maybe the fact that his roster is 5 times more powerful than mine lmao
    He only gets to use his top 30 champs.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    It took me 149 matches to reach GC this season, compared to 118 last season; 26% more.

    Really? I did 90 and thought it was too many. What was your win/loss ratio?

  • KLZKLZ Member Posts: 306 ★★★
    Whale Roster doesn't always mean High Skillz...
  • ShinobiGuyShinobiGuy Member Posts: 606 ★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    It took me 149 matches to reach GC this season, compared to 118 last season; 26% more.

    Really? I did 90 and thought it was too many. What was your win/loss ratio?

    Is there a place you can see this info? This was my first time ever playing BG for the the vision piece and I made GC yesterday. Would be fun to know the stats.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,258 ★★★★
    Mine looked like this in diamond III except all legends. I only have 2 7 stars….and only like 2 or 3 r4 6 stars. Maybe 3-4 r3s
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    It took me 149 matches to reach GC this season, compared to 118 last season; 26% more.

    Really? I did 90 and thought it was too many. What was your win/loss ratio?

    Is there a place you can see this info? This was my first time ever playing BG for the the vision piece and I made GC yesterday. Would be fun to know the stats.
    Gotta count them unfortunately. Be great if it was a viewable stat though
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