Iceman special 2

Cano29848Cano29848 Member Posts: 100
Again and still no fix with iceman special 2 against daredevil ( classic ) still evading.

A quick fix would be since he freezes the player for a brief time. to make the first part of the special to stun the player longer

Hope the get resolved


  • KUROKURO Member Posts: 104
    Make dd stunned and sp2 him during that time. If it’s still not working then it’s reallya problem.
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    This is iceman right...just place a coldsnap
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Scottryan wrote: »
    This is iceman right...just place a coldsnap

    The issue is that the animation shows the champion being frozen after the first hit of the special 2, meaning they're frozen, evaders can evade the icicle that comes from the sky...even though they're frozen. Doesn't make sense, coldsnap or not, the 2nd part of the special 2 should not be evaded if they're caught.
  • KHAOSKHAOS Member Posts: 21
    I’ve reported this issue before but no response from any mods. With any champ other than Iceman, if DD gets caught by the first hit of the sp2, he doesn’t evade the second hit (projectile). Definitely a bug that needs to be fixed.
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