Anyone else notice this? Deadpool looks a lot better, but his kit remains the same.
It's VFX update to reflect the DP/Wolverine movie. Not s buff or anything.
Now that I noticed him wolverine and Superior iron man all suck but got the new tags (Wolverine has synergies I know) and Deadpool got a new look superior iron man is getting a new kit and hopefully new animations only leaves wolverine he could be next in the near future but look at Black Panther Civil War wouldn’t keep my hopes too high
Anyone else notice this? Deadpool looks a lot better, but his kit remains the same.
It's VFX update to reflect the DP/Wolverine movie. Not s buff or anything.
Now that I noticed him wolverine and Superior iron man all suck but got the new tags (Wolverine has synergies I know) and Deadpool got a new look superior iron man is getting a new kit and hopefully new animations only leaves wolverine he could be next in the near future but look at Black Panther Civil War wouldn’t keep my hopes too high
It’s probably because of the new movie, not an indication that he’s going to be buffed
Can’t tell which one i like more