Act 8 exploration opening

Forgot to take screenshots but wanted to share here anyways:
Opened the 2-3 gem first, got science.
Chose science from the 7 star class selector and got Titania!!!
Then opened the 7 star nexus, options were new Gorr, sig 40 Guardian, and awakening of Titania, so chose Titania since I’m taking her to r3 anyways.
From the Titan crystal, got Prowler. Don’t know if he’s any good, please let me know about your thoughts on him.
Then from a regular 7 star crystal got a Red Goblin
Opened the 2-3 gem first, got science.
Chose science from the 7 star class selector and got Titania!!!
Then opened the 7 star nexus, options were new Gorr, sig 40 Guardian, and awakening of Titania, so chose Titania since I’m taking her to r3 anyways.
From the Titan crystal, got Prowler. Don’t know if he’s any good, please let me know about your thoughts on him.
Then from a regular 7 star crystal got a Red Goblin