45.1 HotFix Update 07/09/2024

KabamDORKKabamDORK Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 63 ★★★
Greetings Summoners,
With the release of 45.1, we’ve identified a few issues and have made the following adjustments.

With the latest update to the contest we’ve seen an issue where players are losing their Role Boosts in Alliance Quest RAIDS! We unfortunately cannot address this fully at the moment, but will be making a temporary fix to give players the Boost whenever they are fighting a Raids Boss in the absence of an active Role Boost. You may not see any boosts active on your account, or in the in-game menus, but should still have the full effect of the boosts active during the fight.

With this release, we saw an increase in the rate at which a Defender was able to Parry. While we do want it to be possible for the Defenders to parry the Attacker, the rate at which it was performing them was starting to become a frustrating pain point, so we've deployed a fix to reduce the Defender Parry rate.

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

Thank you.
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