Cheater in bgs?

DuboisDubois Member Posts: 126

Faced this guy in uru and checked out his profile and he had r3s and all, was wondering why hed place 1* in his deck


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★
    He is just completing the objectives as he might have get annoyed with the dog p**p gc meta. Usually I hate such campers but this time I'll make an exception. Just take the free W.
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    He might still be under the delusion that sandbagging to get better match ups is still a thing. Emphasis on might.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★
    Looks like we found the one summoner who actaully got good instead of complaining about facing Valiant accounts in BG. Obvioulsy it's MSD's own account. I'm surprise he would use a 5 star in his deck and I don't see the 2 star she hulk so I guess he's taking it easy in GC.
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