9.5K unit champs

OliverbambinoOliverbambino Member Posts: 32
I know this will probably not be a popular thread as the deals are “overpriced”. I personally havnt bought any, but I do have interest in buying the Adam Warlock option just to dupe mine, since he’s not in the basic and I have him at rank 2.

My issues is that we have no indication of if or who might come in following weeks. If for example onslaught is a champ in the future, or surfer is going to be an option without question I would rather save my units for those as prestige is important in my alliance. My question is, is there a way for us to know who may or may not come? A general pool of these releases would be cool. So far with the exception of void all of these champs have been offered in the arcade pool. Is that who’s being released?

Thanks for your times


  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,492 ★★★★★
    From what we're seeing it's only champs from previous limited crystals such as loyalty crystals or event crystals. I wouldn't expect onslaught
  • OliverbambinoOliverbambino Member Posts: 32
    Thanks guys. Appreciate the insight!
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,674 ★★★★★
    One champ from incursions crystal one champ from loyalty crystal and one champ from gifted guardian crystal was the format
  • ShiroMikazukiShiroMikazuki Member Posts: 568 ★★★

    I know this will probably not be a popular thread as the deals are “overpriced”. I personally havnt bought any, but I do have interest in buying the Adam Warlock option just to dupe mine, since he’s not in the basic and I have him at rank 2.

    My issues is that we have no indication of if or who might come in following weeks. If for example onslaught is a champ in the future, or surfer is going to be an option without question I would rather save my units for those as prestige is important in my alliance. My question is, is there a way for us to know who may or may not come? A general pool of these releases would be cool. So far with the exception of void all of these champs have been offered in the arcade pool. Is that who’s being released?

    Thanks for your times

    Its 2500 units for a 6* as a Cavalier (i know cuz my alt is cavalier)
  • SquammoSquammo Member Posts: 616 ★★★
    To me this is a sign that all those 3 pools will soon be added to the basic crystal and we might be getting new champs for loyalty and incursion crystals.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★
    I know it's a lot to buy but at least Kabam is making it a guaranteed champ and not an RNG crystal. This is a step in the right direction. Now if they can lower the cost in the future to around 3k units, I might be interested. I wonder if they include the dupe plus say 80 sigs, would summoners be more willing to buy it.
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,179 ★★★★

    I know it's a lot to buy but at least Kabam is making it a guaranteed champ and not an RNG crystal. This is a step in the right direction. Now if they can lower the cost in the future to around 3k units, I might be interested. I wonder if they include the dupe plus say 80 sigs, would summoners be more willing to buy it.

    I think that's a bit much. Maybe at half the cost I'd be in. But 80 sig levels/awakening/champ. That's waaaaay more than 9500 value
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★
    Pandingo said:

    I know it's a lot to buy but at least Kabam is making it a guaranteed champ and not an RNG crystal. This is a step in the right direction. Now if they can lower the cost in the future to around 3k units, I might be interested. I wonder if they include the dupe plus say 80 sigs, would summoners be more willing to buy it.

    I think that's a bit much. Maybe at half the cost I'd be in. But 80 sig levels/awakening/champ. That's waaaaay more than 9500 value
    That could be a special offer. Think how many sales they would get for this package. Right now they are getting a few buyers. If they want to increase it by a lot, have a special offer during the off seasons to make money.
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