Probably someone you like playing and whom you already have at r3.
🖕 This is the best advice 🖕
For additional opinions: Quicksilver over iAbomination - he's rammed with utility, and can clear a lot of content.
Valkyrie, but she really needs high Sig.
Shuri, if she's Awakened - amazing champ!
Toad is actually a really good champion with value on defense. Personally I can't stand playing with him, but he's a great poison champion, and phenomenal at destroying Skill champions.
Do Valkyrie and Switch
For additional opinions:
Quicksilver over iAbomination - he's rammed with utility, and can clear a lot of content.
Valkyrie, but she really needs high Sig.
Shuri, if she's Awakened - amazing champ!
Toad is actually a really good champion with value on defense. Personally I can't stand playing with him, but he's a great poison champion, and phenomenal at destroying Skill champions.