Watch Allison Edits for how to maximize Spider-punk abilities.. its better if you awaken him at least once.. is he the best in the Titan Crystal? Not really, what he is is fun champion that has awesome animations and good damage once you reach 300 crowd.
Unfortunately, unless he's awakened and high sig he's no good and event then he's decent at best. Really strong for questing but very slow in Battlegrounds
He kinda needs to be duped to be really good because of the encore passives
1. He's not really good, he's mid at best. 2. That's not what makes him decent it's the extra rupture damage. The encore passives make him worse in BGs cause you're stuck baiting 5-6 specials every fight and they ruin the massive sp1 damage after sp2 if the defender throws the special before you can throw yours which can happen even if you hold block.
To be honest while he might not be the best out there he's still a really cool champ. His animations alone make him worth playing. Remember the game is about having fun and for some that's just playing with cool champs.
He kinda needs to be duped to be really good because of the encore passives
1. He's not really good, he's mid at best. 2. That's not what makes him decent it's the extra rupture damage. The encore passives make him worse in BGs cause you're stuck baiting 5-6 specials every fight and they ruin the massive sp1 damage after sp2 if the defender throws the special before you can throw yours which can happen even if you hold block.
So should they change how the encore passives work if they rebalance him?
2. That's not what makes him decent it's the extra rupture damage. The encore passives make him worse in BGs cause you're stuck baiting 5-6 specials every fight and they ruin the massive sp1 damage after sp2 if the defender throws the special before you can throw yours which can happen even if you hold block.