What is ur favorite act? (last one was accidental lol)

Rate them overall: story, vibe, fights, difficulty, bosses, rewards etc.
(Yes the early acts might not get many votes but still including them)
(Yes the early acts might not get many votes but still including them)
What is ur favorite act? (last one was accidental lol) 100 votes
Act 7 and 8 seem to be more relaxing with their nodes, while act 6 seems to have more punishing nodes and require specific counters
Act 7 was much better in terms of fights, and their difficulties, but the story felt a bit repetitive.
While i haven't delved deep into act 8 yet, seeing the vids on it till now, it seems to be fun in terms of the fights, but is lacking in the
I, am an absolute fan-boy of any games, with emphasis on stories, and hence always loved act 6. Act 7 is a close second tho
7.1 and 7.2 were decent, everything after that was forgettable except the kang bosses.
Cakewalk and easy rewards award goes to act8.
Better rewards
Lesser paths
Easier nodes
More fun to play
tho I love act 6 too due to similar reasons
and not to forget grandmaster is the relatively most difficult boss in the game if we ignore abyss collector
Everything was perfect. From story to node, everything was just peak
I do think act 8 being the difficulty that it is is objectively better for the game. We have necropolis for end game content, story should be very doable for the casual player. I just didn’t find it as fun as act 6 when I went through story again.
As for act 6, genuinely don’t know why people are voting for it. Were some of the bosses iconic? Sure. But having to wait multiple months to continue the story because despite my experienced roster I just didn’t have a champ for the 6.2 Sinister is not what I call fun. These counters were much fewer and far between as well back in the day around its release