What is ur favorite act? (last one was accidental lol)

Oliver345781Oliver345781 Member Posts: 245 ★★
Rate them overall: story, vibe, fights, difficulty, bosses, rewards etc.

(Yes the early acts might not get many votes but still including them)

What is ur favorite act? (last one was accidental lol) 100 votes

Act 1
Real_Madrid_76_2Kingering_KingFriendly001MarvelKingSaitama 4 votes
Act 2
Act 3
Vegeta9001Super_Cretu90 2 votes
Act 4
Foxhero007MCoC_fan 2 votes
Act 5
tnair2015Scopeotoe987IronGladiator22BuggyDClown 4 votes
Act 6
Rockyshockycaptain_rogersWhoDaPooBeanDirty_DozzTrek26ChiefGoatMikeymonstesSirGamesBondwillrun4adonutDarkraw346LickyDiablordDerpyEagleNemesis_17Archit_1812Dubois 17 votes
Act 7
LuciusVorenusMasterduxLuke9523Will3808Yodabolt21SchnoodleRealWizardMasterAHatsumomoMarvelNoobOldManHopvenombombUnknown5557Cuber2906 14 votes
Act 8
EgyptOverseerJets44JinxesaxeRagnarok13captaincushMhd20034AKTEKEddieVanWSachhyam257Legendboy2411MysterioGrootman1294sxlbstverliebtSavageBreaker69SunRiceLordSmasherAyden_noah1ItsClobberinTimeDeamon1337Giantwalrus56 57 votes


  • Dirty_DozzDirty_Dozz Member Posts: 547 ★★★
    Act 6
    Act 6, even if only for the story alone (not that I minded the quests, it was just so long)
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★
    Act 8

    Rate them overall: story, vibe, fights, difficulty, bosses, rewards etc.

    (Yes the early acts might not get many votes but still including them)

    Fewer paths in the later chapters, and solid rewards
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    Act 8
    Act 8 since I was able to get Valiant once 100% it. The rewards was worth grinding ACT 8.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,684 ★★★★★
    Act 8
    Act 8 by far.

    Act 7 and 8 seem to be more relaxing with their nodes, while act 6 seems to have more punishing nodes and require specific counters
  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,190 ★★★★
    Act 7
    Act 7 has gwenmaster sooo....
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,599 ★★★★★
    Act 6
    I'd say Act 8 if the plot wasn't lacking

    Act 7 has gwenmaster sooo....

    Gwenmaster is so cool
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    Act 3
    Nostalgia I guess from when the game released.
  • WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    Act 6
    Act 6 was the last time I had to think about ranking champs to clear story content. I kind of miss that kind of challenge.
  • venombombvenombomb Member Posts: 11
    Act 7
    For me, its between 7 and 8. I'm picking act 7 because this was during a time period where the game just felt so fun to play. Act 8 is doing the same thing as well, but it just doesn't have that same level of hype I had with act 7. Act 6 though...man Idk how everyone is unironically voting act 6 ;_; I genuinely hated it. Having to play even just one path of chapter 1 is enough to make me wanna put down the game for the day LOL. Act 6 is the only act I haven't 100% explored yet. But hey, if you genuinely like it, thats fine. Everybody has their one taste.
  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,190 ★★★★
    Act 7
    WhoDaPoo said:

    Act 6 was the last time I had to think about ranking champs to clear story content. I kind of miss that kind of challenge.

    Me too, pre nerf act 6 was awesome
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    Act 7
    There’s something about when act 7 was released that I just loved. Still probably my favorite complete act to date.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,625 ★★★★★
    Act 7
    Act 7. It was somewhat challenging enough to actually pay attention and it was before 7* and r5 (mostly). Gwenmaster is still the best boss in the game. Act 8 is second, but I think I actually only read the nodes and had to plan a team on a few lanes for the whole act. Act 8 bosses were far too easy IMO
  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    Act 6
    Depends, imo. I enjoyed act 6, for the story, but it was pretty annoying to finish (especially pre-nerf)
    Act 7 was much better in terms of fights, and their difficulties, but the story felt a bit repetitive.
    While i haven't delved deep into act 8 yet, seeing the vids on it till now, it seems to be fun in terms of the fights, but is lacking in the

    I, am an absolute fan-boy of any games, with emphasis on stories, and hence always loved act 6. Act 7 is a close second tho
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,257 ★★★★★
    edited July 2024
    Act 6
    Act5 and act6 nodes were embedded in minds for years. Name a quest and players will tell exactly the path and counters without even looking.
    7.1 and 7.2 were decent, everything after that was forgettable except the kang bosses.
    Cakewalk and easy rewards award goes to act8.
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,365 ★★★★
    Act 8
    Better bosses
    Better rewards
    Lesser paths
    Easier nodes
    More fun to play

    tho I love act 6 too due to similar reasons
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,684 ★★★★★
    Act 8
    shield311 said:

    Better bosses
    Better rewards
    Lesser paths
    Easier nodes
    More fun to play

    tho I love act 6 too due to similar reasons

    Act 6 is way different
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,365 ★★★★
    Act 8
    EdisonLaw said:

    shield311 said:

    Better bosses
    Better rewards
    Lesser paths
    Easier nodes
    More fun to play

    tho I love act 6 too due to similar reasons

    Act 6 is way different
    act 6 is challenging even as a paragon, I find a few quests in act 6 harder than anything act 7 or 8 have to offer lol
    and not to forget grandmaster is the relatively most difficult boss in the game if we ignore abyss collector
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,684 ★★★★★
    Act 8
    shield311 said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    shield311 said:

    Better bosses
    Better rewards
    Lesser paths
    Easier nodes
    More fun to play

    tho I love act 6 too due to similar reasons

    Act 6 is way different
    act 6 is challenging even as a paragon, I find a few quests in act 6 harder than anything act 7 or 8 have to offer lol
    and not to forget grandmaster is the relatively most difficult boss in the game if we ignore abyss collector
    true. Act 6's nodes and bosses are different than act 7-8 bosses and nodes
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,485 ★★★★★
    Act 8
    Act 6 being on second place is wild that **** was so nerve-racking when I did it back in 2019
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    Act 5
    The pain, the misery, the anxiety, the happiness

    Everything was perfect. From story to node, everything was just peak
  • DuboisDubois Member Posts: 126
    Act 6
    The frustration of not beating the boss, the anxiety with which u opened every crystal hoping for a counter, it was perfect down to the last minute detail. Act 6 was the last challenging piece of content pre nerf imo
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    Act 8
    Every boss fight in act 8 had a fun interaction. They were uniquely designed champ and the character design was also cool. I enjoyed them a lot.
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★
    Act 6
    The vibe act 6 gives off can’t be found anywhere else in the game. I just did it on an alt account and man those fights and bosses are just iconic imo
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,620 ★★★★★
    Act 6
    I just went through all of story again on an alt 2-3 months back. Act 6 was pretty annoying in some places and I have my gripes with it, but it’s also the only act that wasn’t immediately forgettable. The nerfs have made it a very reasonable difficulty, and I almost miss every quest having one designated final boss instead of 3 options, as that added to the memorability. When someone mentions a quest in act 6 I’ll usually remember it by “oh that’s the sinister boss” or “oh that’s that capiw boss” etc. Aside from the chapter bosses in acts 7 & 8 I remember next to nothing about the quests themselves.

    I do think act 8 being the difficulty that it is is objectively better for the game. We have necropolis for end game content, story should be very doable for the casual player. I just didn’t find it as fun as act 6 when I went through story again.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    Act 1
    The only place in game where even an iron patriot feels useful... and Groot still sucks as always
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★
    edited July 2024
    Act 5
    Act 5 for nostalgias sake, but Act 8 has been some of the most fun and enjoyable this games been. Currently working on my exploration

    As for act 6, genuinely don’t know why people are voting for it. Were some of the bosses iconic? Sure. But having to wait multiple months to continue the story because despite my experienced roster I just didn’t have a champ for the 6.2 Sinister is not what I call fun. These counters were much fewer and far between as well back in the day around its release
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,684 ★★★★★
    Act 8

    The only place in game where even an iron patriot feels useful... and Groot still sucks as always

    Even Groot can be useful in act 1 lol
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