No bull**** but life first

Dear Summor (Paragon or Valiant) if you have prestige of more than 17k, we are strongly looking for 5-6 players who can help us boost our alliance to platinum.
We are GOLD1 alliance with 6/6/6 and RAID. BG not mandatory but we do our part. Currently with 9.5 million alliance score in BG.
We are kicking few inactive AQ players and need people who can play at the speed of other team members who are active and participate. We have always been chill but then people started being dead weight.
Drop me a line at thecosmos9.
We are GOLD1 alliance with 6/6/6 and RAID. BG not mandatory but we do our part. Currently with 9.5 million alliance score in BG.
We are kicking few inactive AQ players and need people who can play at the speed of other team members who are active and participate. We have always been chill but then people started being dead weight.
Drop me a line at thecosmos9.
Reach me on line at thecosmos9.