Source for basic embers?

MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 ★★
I love the new Daily Super Event and I hope it becomes permanent. However, the one downside of it is the complete elimination of basic embers on a daily basis.

I'm finally giving Battlegrounds yet another chance and, while I'm thrilled that there are plenty of relic shards and alloys available in its store, it is disappointing there's nothing for embers.

So the question remains, what is a source for basic embers, steady or otherwise? Yeah, I can get class embers from duping relics but that's not happening terribly fast for me right now.

On a side note, I do find it amusing how I was initially very resistant to relics when Kabam was first pushing them, but now that I'm fully on board (especially for the likes of Venom, Ant-Man, Black Widow, Ghost Rider, and Storm), Kabam has seemingly pulled back hard on them.


  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Glory store has generic embers. It does suck that they didn't include them in the super daily event.
  • MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 ★★
    Damn, I could've sworn I looked at the Glory store. Thank you.

    That said, Glory is a limited resource with escalating costs that are reset weekly. Only 5 tier-6 embers at 1600 Glory a week is a huge drop from before.

    There really needs to be a more reliable, consistent source for basic embers.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,131 ★★★★★
    Just remember this was a trial run. I'm sure something will change between this version and the next one as it's very popular to warrant permanently. It's sure they'll revise and add embers
  • MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 ★★
    That's what I'm hoping for. This is issue aside, it's been a smashing success.
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