Raids charges lost…. Now what?

Drax_ReflexologistDrax_Reflexologist Member Posts: 134 ★★
We had a guy get disconnected during his fight with Modok and all charges were lost. He was smart enough to screenshot the disconnect (not a rage quit as he’s been doing good damage).
I submitted a ticket for help and got the standard “we passed it along”.
We’ve smoked all free and purchased resources and got some charges back on him and he’s down to 32%. Now the well is dry and time just ticks away.
What are we supposed to do? I peppered the ticket response with specifics about what we’ve invested and now we’ll be left hanging. Just the “monitor the in game mail and message boards” non-helpful response now.
So we get another ****-tastic compensation of half the tickets we used and a “better luck next time”?
This is so frustrating. What are you going to do to make this right Kabam?
Let me guess… nil.
Did I mention how frustrating this is?


  • WhiteKnightWhiteKnight Member Posts: 571 ★★★
    Kabam Support are actually useless, like can't do their jobs the 10% capacity useless...

    Gotta swallow up some units or go ham with the crappy 4k team revives and don't get hit
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