You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
Well unfortunately for you I am willing to pay the price Not only did I do it three seconds faster than you even with all that "dancing around" you mention (no idea who told you it takes time to ramp up with Mantis) , the special attack numbers are waaaaay higher than what you got lol.
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
Yeah but mantis has more reach in battlegrounds in terms of matchups and she’s a half decent defender lol. Mantis can nuke pretty much anything that Shang can. She doesn’t even need 2 sp2’s cause she’s already over killed any battlegrounds opponent
Shang good and all but mantis clears for the current state of the game
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
Yeah but mantis has more reach in battlegrounds in terms of matchups and she’s a half decent defender lol. Mantis can nuke pretty much anything that Shang can. She doesn’t even need 2 sp2’s cause she’s already over killed any battlegrounds opponent
Shang good and all but mantis clears for the current state of the game
It took him 49 hits to kill WS, it took me 24, it's not even a competition 💀
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
Well unfortunately for you I am willing to pay the price Not only did I do it three seconds faster than you even with all that "dancing around" you mention (no idea who told you it takes time to ramp up with Mantis) , the special attack numbers are waaaaay higher than what you got lol.
I said it takes mantis much longer to reach one sp2. It took me an extra 3 seconds to get 2 more full bars of power.
And I’m sure you know the biggest hit argument is a terrible one, Shang has 5 hits in his sp2 not 2 lmao. And while yes those 5 hits in total still do a bit less than mantis, in any fight that Shang can do in one sp2 he is gonna be 5-10s faster.
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
Yeah but mantis has more reach in battlegrounds in terms of matchups and she’s a half decent defender lol. Mantis can nuke pretty much anything that Shang can. She doesn’t even need 2 sp2’s cause she’s already over killed any battlegrounds opponent
Shang good and all but mantis clears for the current state of the game
It took him 49 hits to kill WS, it took me 24, it's not even a competition 💀
Let me know when battlegrounds scoring takes hits into account, because in only 3 extra seconds of time I got more than double the hits in lmao
Yeah Shang is great and all but I think I’d rather use mantis over him most of the time. I also got science trapped once against her and she cooked me lol
I don’t usually bring up YouTubers but trappy and KT both made lists on skills and there’s a reason they don’t include Shang very highly. He’s still a great attacker, but I think there are other champs in the skill class that kinda just do more for the meta defenders we have now. I also haven’t seen a Shang in forever in battlegrounds and maybe he cooks better than I think, but I don’t believe he’s as goated as mantis
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
Well unfortunately for you I am willing to pay the price Not only did I do it three seconds faster than you even with all that "dancing around" you mention (no idea who told you it takes time to ramp up with Mantis) , the special attack numbers are waaaaay higher than what you got lol.
I said it takes mantis much longer to reach one sp2. It took me an extra 3 seconds to get 2 more full bars of power.
And I’m sure you know the biggest hit argument is a terrible one, Shang has 5 hits in his sp2 not 2 lmao. And while yes those 5 hits in total still do a bit less than mantis, in any fight that Shang can do in one sp2 is gonna be 5-10s faster.
Yet I was faster than you cause I don't need two sp2s, one is enough.
I didn't say biggest hit, I said special attack numbers, which is a fact hence you having to throw two sp2s while I did it in one.
Posting a r3 7* vs a r5 6* is not really the gotcha moment you think it is. If that was a r3 Onslaught or Photon, Mantis would've not only been quicker but left with more health. JJ is not even close to being as meta relevant as those two on defense.
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
Yeah but mantis has more reach in battlegrounds in terms of matchups and she’s a half decent defender lol. Mantis can nuke pretty much anything that Shang can. She doesn’t even need 2 sp2’s cause she’s already over killed any battlegrounds opponent
Shang good and all but mantis clears for the current state of the game
It took him 49 hits to kill WS, it took me 24, it's not even a competition 💀
Let me know when battlegrounds scoring takes hits into account, because in only 3 extra seconds of time I got more than double the hits in lmao
It was still 3 seconds faster than you, which battlegrounds scoring does take into account.
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
Yeah but mantis has more reach in battlegrounds in terms of matchups and she’s a half decent defender lol. Mantis can nuke pretty much anything that Shang can. She doesn’t even need 2 sp2’s cause she’s already over killed any battlegrounds opponent
Shang good and all but mantis clears for the current state of the game
Mantis is definitely better for photon, tho yea aside from her they do most of the same matchups. Shang doesn’t always need 2 sp2s, but if he does then as shown it’s only 3 seconds slower. If he doesn’t he’s about 5s faster.
Both are absolutely great champs, I’m just tired of seeing so much Shang slander all because of one stupid poll bruh😭
Yeah Shang is great and all but I think I’d rather use mantis over him most of the time. I also got science trapped once against her and she cooked me lol
I don’t usually bring up YouTubers but trappy and KT both made lists on skills and there’s a reason they don’t include Shang very highly. He’s still a great attacker, but I think there are other champs in the skill class that kinda just do more for the meta defenders we have now. I also haven’t seen a Shang in forever in battlegrounds and maybe he cooks better than I think, but I don’t believe he’s as goated as mantis
Yeah and even if you don't trap them, the block damage when she's a r3 can make a difference. I've literally had people lose 20% from block damage alone. I'm not saying Shang is trash either hut overall Mantis is the better champ simply because she can keep up with Shang in terms of damage and she's a dual threat.
I haven't seen one in ages either, I only see him in decks when he's r3.
You're using suicides, I wasn't lol go back in without suicides and throw just one sp2 as soon as you get to two bars, guarantee you it won't even be close
I’m not gonna spend 35 units for a screenshot bruh💀. Also right at 2 bars is far from fair, I don’t have to dance around with intercepts or hitting block before getting 2 bars, I can half stunlock my way there. That was 2 sp2s in 32s it takes mantis that long for one. And half of the second one was overkill lol
Yeah but mantis has more reach in battlegrounds in terms of matchups and she’s a half decent defender lol. Mantis can nuke pretty much anything that Shang can. She doesn’t even need 2 sp2’s cause she’s already over killed any battlegrounds opponent
Shang good and all but mantis clears for the current state of the game
Mantis is definitely better for photon, tho yea aside from her they do most of the same matchups. Shang doesn’t always need 2 sp2s, but if he does then as shown it’s only 3 seconds slower. If he doesn’t he’s about 5s faster.
Both are absolutely great champs, I’m just tired of seeing so much Shang slander all because of one stupid poll bruh😭
Fair enough haha. Let’s end this on the positive note
Shang good and Mantis good and they all lived happily ever after
I’ve typed out like 4 responses and the abyss ate all of them, so I’m just gonna leave it at this:
Both mantis and Shang are great champs, I advocate for Shang as I feel he gets too much hate these days.
Damage wise they’re near identical, Shang being faster if he can kill in one sp2, mantis being faster if he needs 2.
Shang has a bit more utility, having slow unblockable and free stuns, making fight control very easy and making him very versatile.
Mantis is better for photon and probably onslaught, Shang can do maestro which I don’t know if she can. You do have to know Shang’s perfect dex mechanic for that fight tho.
Mantis is a better defender, though for the most part you won’t place her on defense. She’ll work for a 3rd round pinch which Shang cannot do.
At the end of that both are great champs, and there’s no real wrong answer here.
All depends on the content if it’s bgs and war mantis is the champ you want but act content id go Shang for that utility he brings with him that mantis just doesn’t have
Shang chi has great utilities, Evade/unstoppable counter, huge damage, on demand unblockable and cleanse, Stun chain on basic hits.
Mantis is great and even faster in normal matchups, but I find her playstyle very tough in matchups like photon where you have to keep the tranquilize 100% of the time. Idk what I'm doing wrong.
Shang who? 💀
It’s Shang Chi*
Not only did I do it three seconds faster than you even with all that "dancing around" you mention (no idea who told you it takes time to ramp up with Mantis) , the special attack numbers are waaaaay higher than what you got lol.
Shang good and all but mantis clears for the current state of the game
And I’m sure you know the biggest hit argument is a terrible one, Shang has 5 hits in his sp2 not 2 lmao. And while yes those 5 hits in total still do a bit less than mantis, in any fight that Shang can do in one sp2 he is gonna be 5-10s faster.
Yeah Shang is great and all but I think I’d rather use mantis over him most of the time. I also got science trapped once against her and she cooked me lol
I don’t usually bring up YouTubers but trappy and KT both made lists on skills and there’s a reason they don’t include Shang very highly. He’s still a great attacker, but I think there are other champs in the skill class that kinda just do more for the meta defenders we have now. I also haven’t seen a Shang in forever in battlegrounds and maybe he cooks better than I think, but I don’t believe he’s as goated as mantis
I didn't say biggest hit, I said special attack numbers, which is a fact hence you having to throw two sp2s while I did it in one.
Posting a r3 7* vs a r5 6* is not really the gotcha moment you think it is. If that was a r3 Onslaught or Photon, Mantis would've not only been quicker but left with more health. JJ is not even close to being as meta relevant as those two on defense.
Both are absolutely great champs, I’m just tired of seeing so much Shang slander all because of one stupid poll bruh😭
I haven't seen one in ages either, I only see him in decks when he's r3.
Shang good and Mantis good and they all lived happily ever after
Both mantis and Shang are great champs, I advocate for Shang as I feel he gets too much hate these days.
Damage wise they’re near identical, Shang being faster if he can kill in one sp2, mantis being faster if he needs 2.
Shang has a bit more utility, having slow unblockable and free stuns, making fight control very easy and making him very versatile.
Mantis is better for photon and probably onslaught, Shang can do maestro which I don’t know if she can. You do have to know Shang’s perfect dex mechanic for that fight tho.
Mantis is a better defender, though for the most part you won’t place her on defense. She’ll work for a 3rd round pinch which Shang cannot do.
At the end of that both are great champs, and there’s no real wrong answer here.
Mantis is great and even faster in normal matchups, but I find her playstyle very tough in matchups like photon where you have to keep the tranquilize 100% of the time. Idk what I'm doing wrong.