Should I rank up Bishop?

Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,955 ★★★★★
I realized recently that I have a pretty weak 6 and 7 star mutant class. I'm probably going to rank up Mr. Sinister soon, but I was wondering if I should rank up Bishop too. I leveled him up after his buff and thought he was kinda underwhelming. I recently came back to the game and recognize that he's now regarded as one of the better mutants. So what should I do and is there something I might be missing about him that I didn't see in initial testing. The rotation I used was building up prowess with parries, throwing an sp2, and repeat.

Should I rank up Bishop? 31 votes

Take him to rank 2
AshyKnuckles 1 vote
Take him to rank 3
PantherusNZbuffajrBen_15455The_0wenpusJuanmiAnsh_ACuber2906 7 votes
Take him to rank 4
KeltanAzKicker316MagrailothosMigginslyLegendboy2411Grootman1294SavageBreaker69JimmyBsvilariumcaptain_rogersDisthene_TRenaxqqdee_jay5Norman_OroBladeZero81Superstar_1126MarvelKingSaitamaNiko2711 18 votes
Leave him where he is
sxlbstverliebtTotalMonster110SirGamesBondAvnishAsher1_1 5 votes


  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    Take him to rank 3
    It's tough, he's amazing and well worth the resources, but he's in the basic 7* pool and doesn't need to be awakened so it's questionable whether it's worth investing into him as a 6* once you're in 7* world.

    Mr Sinister, in contrast, isn't a 7* at all at this stage and so it's still worth investing into him.

    I have Bishop awakened as a 7*, Rank 2, and he's a mainstay in my Battlegrounds deck and questing - so I'm not against him at all, but I'd focus on Sinister first.
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    Take him to rank 3
    Take him to rank 3 ir even 4 depending on whether you have rank up gems. He has been my most wanted 7* since 7*s released and i finally caved and ranked him to r4. You never know whether you will get him as a 7* and he is so useful in so many ways that there is no point in waiting around if you have the resources. Dont r5 him though because those t6cc are hard to come by even now
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,346 ★★★★★
    Leave him where he is
    7* bishop have stat focus and max CPR, combat power rate. I don't like using r3 bishop in my mini account. Instead have R4 ascended sinister. And he puts in a lot of work for questing and in BGs.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★
    Take him to rank 4
    If you are starting to like him, play a bit more and see if you like him more.

    Sure, you might pull the 7-star. Well, there are times in Questing where two Bishops are better than one! And that Awakened ability makes him better on defense (access to Unblockable specials) and can give you access to abilities like being Stun-immune whilst blocking - useful against Apocalypse, and nodes like Stun Reflection and Encroaching stun.

    As for how to use him, he's incredibly versatile for a lot of fights.
    - The big SP2 is a great fight-closer, but crit-reliant, so may not be great against some Mystics with crit resistance.
    - The SP1 (thrown with Prowess) conceals an awful lot of Incinerate damage behind the Steady Release mechanic.
    - Amazing against Purify champs - especially if you use Steady Release and watch them melt.
    - The ability to passively stun skull champs is great for opponents like Bullseye; although is less unique than it used to be, since Storm and Onslaught have the same thing.
    - His regeneration/bleed removal can actually restore decent amounts of health in longer fights; and lets him take noded fights that require buffs. Also useful against Mantis.
    - Persistent power is a fun ability in Questing.
    - He's a definite Dual threat champion in both BGs and War - probably stronger on defense, but handy on attack for dealing with Skill shruggers like Korg.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    Don't sit on a useful 6* while waiting for the 7*
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★

    Don't sit on a useful 6* while waiting for the 7*

    I like and agree with this a lot.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,880 ★★★★★
    Take him to rank 4
    He was my first mutant r4. He helped me a lot, But i held off the r5 button for a year hoping to pull a 7* bishop, But I can't. So I finally pulled the trigger and now he is one of my mvp dual threats in bgs. No regrets. Still I cannot pull a bishop, If I pull one, He will go to r3 instantly
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