The sigil store Is so laaaaame

Kabam, i think It s time tò update the sigil store. Now that i am paragone, i have no interest in the sigil store
Apart from Scarlett Witch 7s there isn t nothing that Is needed tò a paragon player
Come on!
Apart from Scarlett Witch 7s there isn t nothing that Is needed tò a paragon player
Come on!
Trading resources up in the store is handy but they need to update it to include crystals and catalysts that are at a higher level.
The worst thing is people are spend 17 bucks a months for extra inventory.
Every buff is store items rewards etc the team should be planning the next buff
I hope this is going to be news about things being upgraded or added. My worst fear is that 7* sigil witch will be replaced with a new champ. I’m about to get the 7* and I would really like to awaken her. It makes me not even want to purchase her until I know what’s going to happen. #KeepSigilWitch
I got enough Greater Sigil Credits to buy a 7* Sigil Witch, do this changes that will be announce have anything to do with a new sigil champion? Cause if that is the case I may want to wait to spend the credits. They do take a long time to gather...
I just now finally accrued (another) 260 Sigil credits, so looking to trade them in for a 7* basic crystal, but I just know the moment I do, there will be the announcement shortly after with either a substantially reduced cost, or something way better added to the store. I guess I’ll make the sacrifice to make it happen though.😆