Trader Outpost Store Needs a Buff

I know Kabam has no incentives to buff the trader outpost, but for the 5th month, it sucks that the store has the same options. Would appreciate some bump up in shards etc.
I wish kabam regularly update stores and rewards at fixed intervals. Glory store also needs a update
I promise I don't need anymore T2A, I have enough in my overflow. 🤣
Of tier 4 aplha
Considering we could get 1.8k T4A frags a day from daily super event, those rank up mats need to be more available and spread out in smaller increments.
…Especially in a store only available once a week.
I am also Valiant shortly after 8.4,..that being said while there are some perks to being valiant one of those should be to have more access to even small amounts of T4a.
Kind of the whole point of pushing to Valiant no?,,,and those mats shouldn’t just be available through the Wow’s/ Sos and saga incursion modes.
1.4k in a side quest every week for a month isn’t exactly cutting it, and i’m pretty sure Paragon are able to do threat level 5…so i’m not understanding the reasoning to this approach.